Chapter 42 - Tralasciare

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When I walked into the infirmary, I saw Dante hugging Sienna who was sobbing. As I stood by the door, I felt like I was intruding on a very special moment for them. I assumed that Sienna told Danté about her miscarriage that had happened during those awful thirty-six days. I wanted to announce my presence to them and offer them both my deepest condolences, but I remained mute. I was unable to speak to them or voice what I wanted to say.

I knew that no number of words or deep condolences would heal the pain of losing their first child.

Deep down I was afraid that Sienna and Danté would hate me and blame me for what happened. In a way, I blame myself too. If I hadn't dragged Sienna to the shops with me that day, she would have not been kidnapped and maybe, just maybe, she would have been happily pregnant with her child. I didn't even know if she knew the gender.

I watched as Danté cradled her lovingly in his arms as she sobbed. In a sudden, I felt hot liquid fall down my cheeks. As I lifted my hand to see what it was, I registered that I was crying. I didn't know how long it had been since I last cried, I couldn't even recall the last time I allowed myself to shed a few tears. When I sniffled, I saw Danté look up and I knew he saw me.

"Arianna?" He called. After he said that, Sienna looked up and offered me a weak smile.

"I'm so sorry for intruding on your moment." I said as I tried stepping away but Danté stood up and gestured for me to come inside.

"Don't worry about it. I think you will be better at consoling her." I nodded and approached Sienna who was curled up on the medical bed.

"I'll give you guys a minute alone." Danté said as he stepped out of the room and gently closed the door behind him.

"I told him, and he took it so well. I thought he was going to hate me. I thought he would yell and remind me that it is my fault."

That statement broke my heart and my eyes welled up with tears again. It was clear Sienna blamed herself.

"Of course, he would take it well." I said with a small smile, "He cares for you more than you think."

"It is my fault." She whispered as she blew her nose into a tissue.

I shook my head, "It's not. Tell me something, how would you of have known that the food had that stuff in it? You didn't and so you can't blame yourself."

"I was careless. I should've run faster; I should have fought harder." She cried.

"No Sienna, no. There was nothing more you could do. You tried your best and that's all that matter right now. I know you have lost a child, but you have gained an angel in heaven." I said.

"It's my fault he is gone."

"The first step towards healing is accepting that you are not to blame. You didn't choose or agree to any of this, Sienna. You handled it as well as you could, and you tried to escape, and you tried to fight. That's what counts."

Sienna remained silent as she stared at the wall. When were heled captive in the Vass compound, I had begun to think that she was slowly healing but I guess telling Danté about the whole situation reminded her of her grief. I knew that it couldn't be easy to get over it and it couldn't have been easy to tell Danté. I held her hand and tried my best not to cry again as I watched the tears fall from her face.

When I looked up, I saw that Danté was still outside of the room. He, too, had tears streaming down his face. When he noticed that I was looking at him, he immediately wiped the tears off on his sleeve. When Sienna fell asleep on my shoulder, I gently moved her into a lying position and covered her with a blanket that was on Dr. Steven's shelf. I quietly walked out of the room and faced Danté who had his stoic face on.

"How is she?" He asked immediately.

I shook my head, "Not good. She thinks she is at fault and that you blame her for what happened."

"That's absurd!" He gasped, "Surely she doesn't truly think that."

"She does and I hate it. I tried to tell her that, but nothing will change her mind. None of my words are getting through to her."

"What do I suggest I do?" He asked and I thought back to what helped me heal when my mother and sister had passed away.

"Just support her. Be her shoulder to cry on. Make sure to let her know that it isn't her fault and that you don't blame her. Remind her that although she didn't get a chance to see her son that she was a good mother to him either way. Remind her of how hard she fought and how brave and courageous she is to live through such a terrible experience in her life. She needs to know she has your support and care no matter how many times she comes to you with the same concerns. You have to put her at ease." I said.

"Do you think a romantic getaway would be a good idea or is too soon?" He asked me.

I thought about the whole idea a bit. I mean Sienna would get a chance to spend time with the man she loves and be able to realise he has nothing by love towards her and that he doesn't blame her. Another benefit would be that she gets to change the environment and spend her time trying new things instead of wallowing in self-pity.

I nodded, "I think it's a good idea. It will help her get her mind off of things but just ask her first. Maybe she likes being here."

Danté nodded his head and gave me another weak smile.

"I'm going to sit with her if you don't mind." He said.

"Oh no! Of course not." I said and moved out of the way.

I turned around and watched as Danté walked to his girlfriend and planted a kiss on her nose before he dragged a chair and placed it near the bed. He held her hand and at that moment I decided to leave them alone and give them some time to deal with all that they had to. I was sure that Danté would want to express his emotions without having to be cautious of me.

As I walked out of the compound, I was met with a frantic woman at the iron gates who was begging the guards to let her in.

"What's going on?" I demanded as I walked up to the guard.

The guard looked relieved to see me, "This crazy Italian woman is demanding she be let in. She claims that she has Vitali's son."

What in the world?

Hey Reddies!

Do you think that Vinchenzo has a child that he hasn't told Ari about? Is his past finally catching up to him?

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P.S. next update: 20 November 2022

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