[ FIVE ]

38 4 2

Warning : contains mention of blood and detailed injuries.

Lucas ran as fast as he could, not paying attention to his surroundings. Before he knew it he was in the middle of the road, a car that had lost control while he was running had unfortunately hit him. Slowly losing consciousness, he laid there looking at the sky. Eyes drooping. He felt someone picking him up and laying him on there lap, there face wasn't that clear to him since his eyesight had gotten blurry. Ears buzzing. He let his eyes close.

Mark had heard a commotion and turned back to see what had happened he saw many people surrounding someone. He decided to go see what was going on which he instantly regretted. He saw lucas laying there bleeding out. His black hair getting soaked with the crimson thick liquid which was coming out his head. Pushing through the crowd he made his way to the older taking him and putting him on his shoulder calling his name out. "Call an ambulance, please...p-p-please..." he pleaded. Mark looked down with tears streaming down his face. Lucas had closed his eyes. As if on que an ambulance arrived taking lucas away.

Quickly catching a taxi he also went to the hospital. Following the medics in he sat in the waiting room with his head in his hands. He stood up walking back and forth impatiently, he decided to call kun.

Kun / mark

"Hyung... l-lucas..." he sniffed.
"Huh, whats wrong with lucas" kun asked concerned.
"He got into a accident... it's my fault" mark sobbed harder

Kun had hung up the phone and was rushing to the hospital. While mark slipped against the waiting room wall till his bum hit the floor. Hugging he's knees, he sobbed harder and harder. Making it hard to breath. He wished he hadn't made lucas chase after him. He wish he was well and standing, if he hadn't ran away because of jealousy they would be hanging out together smiling right now. Feelings make you do indecisive and reckless things i guess.

Kun came running through the hospital hallways, until he saw mark. Slowly walking up to mark with his shirt soaked with lucas' blood. he sat beside him, pulling the younger into a hug. "Its my fault, its my fault" mark kept muttering. "I shouldn't have made him chase me" he blurted out. Kun gave him a confused look "huh, what do you mean?". "I got jealous when one of his co-worker decided to kiss him, so i stormed out of the cafe'. He started chasing me a few minutes later. I didn't look behind me until i heard a loud commotion and wanted to see what was going on when i saw him laying there with blood oozing out" mark choked out. "Hey, hey, its okay, he will be okay, he's strong".

An hour passes by, kun and mark sitting on the cold floor in each others embrace depressed as ever. Finally a doctor comes out, kun stood up making his way to the doctor. "He is in stable condition now, he had a but of a concussion and a sharp piece from the car was stuck in his neck, so he may have trouble breathing. it would take him a bit to wake up, we will transfer him to a room" the doctor said before leaving. Kun sighed in relief.

[ the next later]

Lucas had been transferred to a room. He still hadn't woken up, it had been a week. The doctors had mentioned it may take him a while to wake up. He was now laying on a hospital bed, all types of machines connect to check his things like heart rate. He had a oxygen mask covering half of his handsome face. A bandage wrapped around his head. Mark sat next to him, holding his hand. Resting his head on the bed. He had fallen asleep in that position last night while Kun went home, because mark insisted.

Mark woke up, opening his drooping eyes. slowly raising his head, he was met with a lucas who was laying there staring at him. "Oh you're awake" mark said in his morning voice. "I'll go get a doctor" he said before getting up and leaving lucas.

The doctor had checked up on him and said he was recovering slowly. He no longer needed the oxygen mask so he could talk. "Why did you run away" lucas asked. "I-i...got jealous" the younger muttered in a very low voice, lucas caught what he said though. "Why? Because that new guy kissed me?" He chuckled. Mark only nodded his head. Raising his arm lucas put it on mark's face. "Mark... i didn't even know him before yesterday. He kissed me without my consent. Also, markie... i like you" lucas fiddled with the blanket with his free hand shyly. Mark felt his face heat up. "I also like you lucas..." the shorter replied, leaning down towards the older. Before he could reach for the olders lips. The door opened with a tired looking kun who must have ran to the hospital as soon as he woke up. Mark jolted away fixing his posture. "GeGe!" Lucas exclaimed slightly disappointed that he couldn't kiss mark. "Did i interrupt anything?" Kun said eyeing the younger ones. "N-Not at all hyung" mark stuttered out.

Suddenly someones phone rang, it was kun's phone. He took his phone out checking the caller ID it showed an unknown number. Confused he picked it up.

Kun / unknown

"Who's this?"
"Your father"
"how the fuck did you find my number" he said anger building up inside him. "Who is it gege?" Lucas asked seeing his brother get angry. Kun shook his head not replying to his brother.

"I have my ways kunkun"
"You have no rights to call me that"
"So how are you and that little-"
"He's not a little thing, he's a fucking human"
"Yes, the human. How are you two doing"

"It doesn't concern you how we are doing and try respecting your son" he said hanging up the phone and blocking the number. Now both mark and lucas was staring at kun confused. Lucas had guess from kun saying 'son' it must have been one of there so called parents and that they were referring 'human' as him. Kun sighed. "It was that so called father" now it was time only mark look at the brother's confused written all over his face.

"I'll tell you later" lucas told the younger taking his hand. Kun smiled at the scene and decided to sneak out of the room leaving the two alone.


Here i go posting again! U'RE welcome my writers block is gone now so i freely write lol. And i have a lot of motivation from my friends.

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