[ ONE ]

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as any usual day Lucas was walking down the streets of seoul, on his way to the cafe' he works at. not knowing that today will change his entire life. he entered a cafe' with the board saying "seoul view cafe'" and greeted his colleagues. Despite his past Lucas was a bright and outgoing person with a lot of energy that can bring light to anyone's dullness. He put on his apron at the back room and went behind the counter.

he's colleague came up to him and said "hey yukhei, can you go ahead and tell the kitchen to make another batch of cookies?" Ten asked. Lucas nodded and made his way to the kitchen and told the chef to make another batch of cookies. he went back to counter and started taking customers orders like any other ordinary day.

It was midday when Lucas looked at the clock and see that his shift for the day has ended. he told Ten he would head home now and bid his goodbye. he walked down with a lightness to his steps and made way to his apartment he lived in, which wasn't too far from the cafe'. People would be stunned when they hear that a handsome and tall man like him has been single his entire life. Well, that was his choice anyway, it wasn't his fault he built up walls around him and started having trust issues, or having panic attacks whenever he's left alone. or even being touched randomly by a unknown stranger.

On his way home he went to a near by bakery to buy some pastries because he was craving some. After buying he's pastries he went to his apartment building going through the buildings glass doors and making his way to the elevators, he pressed his floor and waited for the door to close but was stopped by a short man yelling to halt the elevator door. He held the door open so the man can enter, once he entered and evened his breathing he looked at the floor buttons, "oh, we are going to the same floor" he said. Lucas looked at him confused as he has never seen this man in the same floor as him. "Are you new here?" He quizzed. The shorter man nodded, "yes, i just moved in today actually".

There was a comfortable silence between the two men. Lucas decided to inspect the man's state a bit more by stealing small glances, he came to a conclusion that he was having a bad day since his eyes were blood shot red and he had dried tears on his cheeks. Lucas decided its best to not say anything as it might be a bit sensitive the man. "Oh by the way, what's your name" the shorter man asked.

"My name is wong yuk hei, but you can call me lucas" lucas replied. "My name is ma—" before he could answer the elevator stopped, the lights turned off making the elevator look like void. "Hey lucas, can you press the emergency button" the man asked, but to his avail he heard a whimper. He looked towards and his eyes widen. Lucas, who before standing tall, was now on the ground cowering and shaking with tears in his eyes. "Hey man, its ok, don't cry" the Canadian tried calming the panicking male. Mark then quickly pressed the emergency button and sat beside the cowering chinese male.

He patted his back but Lucas got tensed and flinched because of the sudden touch. Even in the dark the other man tried seeing his face better he was that Lucas had tears non-stop running down his face and also a very uneven breathing pattern. The shorter male wiped his tears telling the taller soothing words. Soon the technician fixed the problem and the elevator started moving and stopped at their floor. Lucas hastily squeezed out, wiping his face and dashed to his apartment taking out his keys from his back pocket, opening the door with a bang. His pastries that he had bought tightly held in his hand.

While the other shorter male that he didn't know the name of stood there stunned. The brunette also made way to his apartment which was directly in front of Lucas'. Opening his apartment door. Shutting it softly.

Lucas put the pastry bag on the kitchen counter and plopped onto his grey comfortable couch still shaking. At the moment all he needed was comfort so he made his way to his brother's room and knocked on his door softly. A muffled come in was heard on the other side so, he entered. "Xuxi, are you ok?" His brother kun asked concerned. All Lucas could get out of his mouth was a sob before he broke down again. Kun stood up from his desk and went to hug Lucas who now was a sobbing mess.

A few minutes pass by Lucas calmed down, he told kun what had happened. Kun was surprised they had a new neighbor and asked Lucas to invite him for dinner "b-b-but he might think i'm a big cry baby" Lucas pouted. "xuxi, no, he would understand someday, but you should apologize for running away fast and welcome him, plus you said he looked like he was having a bad day" kun reassured. Lucas gave a weak nod and made his way to the apartment in front of his and rang the bell. He waited for an answer, he heard a "wait a minute" and fast footsteps running towards the door. The man he saw in the elevator opened the door and greeted him with a sweet heartwarming smile. Lucas stood there for a bit taking in the other males beauty. He was snapped out of his sudden sensation when the canadian male waved his hand in front of him.

"Oh, sorry, i came to apologize that i ran as soon as the elevator stopped and to tell you my brother and i would like to have you over for a welcome dinner" Lucas basically rapped in one breath. The other male stood there stunned for a few seconds before responding with a bright smile "its ok and i would love to come". "Alright be over at 7pm" lucas said and turned his heel to go back to his apartment when he was stopped by the other male. "I'm mark, mark lee, by the way" said mark. "Nice to have you as my neighbor mark!" Lucas smiled an award winning smile.

Lucas went back to his apartment and shut his door. He had a unfamiliar sensation in his cheeks and his heart was beating very fast. He started rubbing his cheeks to make the sensation go away and went to his room. Smiling and looking at the ceiling grinning like an idiot. While mark was also having the same sensation in his cheeks, though he knew the reason but he convinced himself that he wouldn't get involved with any love for a while. But it seemed he was falling hard for his new neighbor.


Hope you enjoyed my new story lmao...

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