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Trigger warning : mention of abuse, self harm.


Few days of pondering if he should ask mark to hangout with him. Lucas decided to shoot his shot and made his way to mark's apartment. Hesitantly lifting his hand to ring the bell. As soon as he rang the bell he heard footsteps making its way towards the door.

"Oh, hey lucas!" Mark greeted.

"I-i-i was w-w-wondering i-i-if you wanted to... h-hangout sometime" lucas managed to stutter out, fidgeting with the hem of his hoodie.

"Of course! I'd love to!" Mark agreed before continuing "when do you wanna start?"

"Depends on when you are free. I'm free on sundays, tuesdays, and Thursdays". Lucas answered. "I'm free on those days as well". Mark basically screamed in excitement. He didn't know what lucas was doing to his heart but he sure loved it.

"How about we start today, i been wanting to go to an arcade that just opened" lucas suggested.

"Ok, let me get ready" mark said shutting the door to go change as lucas also went to his apartment to change. Before he changed he let out a squeal of excitement.

Few minutes later they found themselves at the arcade lucas had wanted to go to, playing games. Winning tickets and other things on the claw machines. "Let's go eat something". Lucas said as he can feel himself starving.

They both decided to go to the near by restaurant and eat some burger and french fries. "I'll pay" lucas said. "No, i'll pay" mark tried to persuade the taller but failed as lucas had already paid, before he could grab his wallet from his pocket. Mark looked at lucas and pouted saying "i'll pay next time". Lucas only nodded.

Both of them made there way to their apartment complex and bid goodbye to each other before heading to bed. Lucas entered him apartment only to be startled by his brother at the doorway "OH MY GAWD" lucas let out a yelp. "What's with the big smile?" Kun asked smirking. "Nothing, just happy because i spent time with mark". Lucas said with heart in his eyes and a very stupid looking smile plastered across his face.

Kun was happy to see his brother brightly smiling after previous incidents. Hoping that mark will be a good person that won't break his precious little boy's heart. Because if mark did so, he was ready to throw hands.

"I'm proud of you lucas, as i always say be careful too, ok?" kun hugged his younger brother tightly as the other hugged him back with the same strength.

Usual to any other night kun laid on his bed staring at his white ceiling thinking about the old days that caused his brother bad trauma. Only that kun was away studying abroad. when it all happen to the young soft hearted boy.


18 year old Kun was studying abroad in Australia when he had a phone call from an unknown number. He hesitated before picking up only to hear his 15 year old brother's hurtful sobs. "K-k-kun-ge... mom and dad.... T-they keep h-h-hitting me". Kun couldn't handle hearing yukhei's hurt sobs anymore. He hung up the phone. He booked the fastest plane to hong-kong with the help of his roommate. Throwing his clothes into a suitcase in a hurried and unorganized manner. Before rushing to catch a cab and get to the airport.

Once the plane landed, he got a cab and rushed to his parents house. He ran through the hallways of the big house making his way to his younger brother's room which was on the second floor. Hearing the hurtful sobs on the other side of the door, he guessed his parents weren't home considering they weren't anywhere and didn't start yelling after hearing a huge barge in from there front door.

"Gege it hurts, its hurts so bad" the young boy choked out. Kun asked what had happened. The younger boy who was trying to even his breathing from all the crying and hyperventilating managed to tell him that dad hit him with a belt just because he got a A- in a science test.

Kun's instincts told him to roll up yukhei's long sleeves of his hoodie, revealing various bruises and cuts mostly from what it looked like made from something sharp. Kun sighing softly guessing he cut himself. pulled his younger brother into his arms. The other broke down crying, soon fell asleep. Kun couldn't believe that just because of him. His parents had set high expectations for his younger brother. Kun waited till his parents were home to confront them about his plan which is to take yukhei and go somewhere away from china.

Carefully laying yukhei down on his bed and tucking him in. Kun made his way to the living room to wait for his parents. Though his parents didn't come home that fast he decided to call his parents instead. After a couple of rings his father picked up.

"Hello, kun"

"Tell me this instant why is yukhei crying."

"That piece of useless shit really called kun" his father mumbled. Probably to his mom.

Though kun heard it clearly "did you just call your younger son a piece of shit?? If he's a piece of shit i'm a bigger piece of shit"

"He is a embarrassment to the wong family. And kun you are never a piece of shit"

"Just because he's gay doesn't mean he's a piece of shit. You know what i'm taking him and leaving the country. DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO CONTACT EITHER ONE OF US ANYMORE" yelling into the phone. he hung up fuming. Going to his brother's room and throwing the other's clothes into a suitcase and somethings yukhei might want. Booking a flight to south korea with the plan of staying there for the rest of there lives. Waking yukhei up catching a taxi and going to the airport.

With kun's ability to talk korean pretty fluently they both managed to get around the big streets of korea easily And yukhei also started picking up some phrases and words in korean.

After a few days of living in a new place. Yukhei started to look much happier, which obviously made kun happy as well. Though yukhei had become more sensitive to loud noises. Especially yelling and voice being raised at him. He had also stopped harming himself. To be honest kun was very proud of his brother, for recovering from the traumatizing events by himself without any therapy. he realized he should have done this sooner. But since they did that now they both were happy.

After yukhei finished high school and was starting college. Yukhei started doing part-time in a cafe' and started making friends at work. While kun started his own small business in making bracelets and other accessories. Which soon became bigger then he had imagined. Both of them always having eachothers back.


I have written something i'm not sure about

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