1• Know that I'm made in you.

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Buckwheat flowers and azaleas on cinnamon tree branches ; that's how I emerged nobly from you, high and tall and serene I originated from the shutters of your fears and your ever lovely dreams, your beautiful imperfections traced the sweet truths drooping from my ivy, dark evergreen languished ivy that hang on my mouth like the gardens of Babylon.

Chivalrously stood this poitrine with a hearth of a chimney inside, where my heart stood absorbed from burnout, from the burn i had to endure everytime I saw your blue and grey, everytime I felt you turning cold and everytime I felt you starting to forget me. So I set my heart on fire even more to warm yours

To remind you how your mind is beautiful enough to create my purity and naivety and create a splendid peaceful world to me I never knew I needed, but when I held you close, where the desire to keep holding you forever sat still in my damned burning heart, how's one to know I've not only giving you comfort but fondness and warm love, would you know ? how my stems, leaves and thin branches withered in the air longing for you, for your voice, touch, sight, for all your you's, how dust of cinnamon crumbled away from me trying to find and reach your scent, how cruel and selfish you were to create a world for me you don't exist in, every aspect of beauty you've fractured from your mind and put it into colours and sculptured my skies and grounds so perfectly, all the art you've surrounded me with isn't enough to be You, even If all of it met and immersed in the hollow of the other, it can never be so close to You, this world will never be enough to me as long as you're not here.

You're real, but I am not, I never was and I never will be, I'm a mere part of what you wish for in your prayers at dawn, I'm all your last hopes, regrets, pains and sorrows painted in your favorite colours, I'm covered in you. I'm longing for you, I'm begging for you to come in, I want you to be my blue and grey, I want you to be my rain, I did this to myself I don't know why I had to fill my heart with such pain.

I'm setting myself on fire again, but this time not for you, my soul is narcissistic enough to choose to walk its elegant self on the path of hell and fire, with grace and love I'm turning myself into ashes and dust, I'm turning myself into the pigment of your spotless beautiful mind.
A day will come where you'll send me into oblivion like I was never here, so I choose a rather merciful death upon myself.

I emerged nobly from you, high and tall and serene, I originated from the shutters of your fears and your ever lovely dreams that were never meant to be granted, so burn my heart and light my bed in blue flames, and I,
By eleven and eleven, I'll come into your dreams, I'll come to you like the first of December and I will tell you I love you...... I can only tell and whisper it to you

Just so you know that I'm covered in you,
I'm made in you.

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