7. your mindfullness

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Our universe is giving more than a glimpse of ordinary beauty and creativity in its formation, the Big Bang theory might not have a one time event after all, we shall never realise that until we are meant to

It is said that lives are linked across time, connected by one ancient calling that echoes through the ages called Faith
and passion, compassion, ambition and strength

We might already know our universe is continuously expanding, like a child's favorite fairytale, or like the love of greek tragedies, but how well do we know the realism of a fictional character is in love with the idea of reality ?

Were the alter dimensions equal and parallel ? where does the infinity symbol stand here ? aren't we in a loop ? a hole ? who do we trust truthfully? a mere comforting idea coming from a subconsciousness ? a part hidden in a brain ? like an asylum, we try to escape hard out of it, those fine blood vessels and nerves are gritting themselves and tie a knot, they don't want to let go of a safe beautiful idea, they have not tasted safety in forever.

With the idea of gorgeous fictional unrealism
it is seducing like a black snake flowing to the rhythm and sticking its tongue out, too good to be true,
I still wonder if it would kiss the idea....
and I still wonder if the kiss will be true enough to bring you into my world.
A guardian angel with wide spread wings, wide enough to shield all arches aimed at my conscience

"I thought it was a dream so I closed my eyes and opened them again,
You were standing in front of my desperate self and praying"

we've been in the archer's aim and target, and he scored

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