✨ Chapter 4 ✨

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There were very unique usernames that I came across on such as:






I am wholeheartedly convinced that some people are down bad for these people and 2D characters, but I instantly thought of Jasmine after reading the second and last username.

The server consisted of mostly anime and k-pop fans, but some other fandoms were also present.

Eventually, Ray and I came across these three guys, who were named:

Eventually, Ray and I came across these three guys, who were named:

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This is basically the order of who Rose and Ray seduced First to Last

Target 1: Tr!pp!nxx (Tyson)
Target 2: crazy chicken (Isaiah)
Target 3: TrillzDc (Luke)

I'll be referring to them as 'Target 1/2/3' sometimes depending on who is being mentioned so please remember the order of the guys.

All of us went on a private chat with the aforementioned targets after all introductions and stuff were done with. Me and Ray ranked the guys from 1st  to 3rd after learning as much as we possibly could about them.

Ray and I were still on call separately on WhatsApp but muted ourselves on the discord call whenever we needed to re-asses the plan, depending on the situation we were faced with.

Our first target was a Black, African-American guy who was just a year younger that me; his birth name being Tyson. Just as I was about to execute our plan, Ray needed to get off. We said our 'goodbyes' and he soon departed from both platform calls. 'Target 2', who we identified as 'Isaiah', left along with his friend - 'Target 3' also known as 'Luke' about half an hour after Ray left, leaving me and Tyson by ourselves.

It was currently 4.30 in the morning, meaning that I've been on call with Target One for about an hour and a half. He was actually a pretty funny guy as I found myself laughing at the random jokes he would occasionally make. We exchanged many facts about ourselves with each other during the time we spent on call, finding that we had some things in common.

After about another 5-10 minutes of talking with him, I figured that I should start with the seduction of Target 1.

"I was wondering if you play Roblox"

"Yh i play sometimes when I'm not busy."



After the seduction was completed both me and Tyson figured that we were very compatible with each other but decided to wait until we met up to build a proper relationship.

So the night went on with me and Tyson continuing our earlier discussions for a while, saying our goodbyes to each other after some time and hanging up the call to finally get some rest after the eventful night.

••• ————— •••

Icl I've already lost motivation so be satisfied with this short chapter 💀 anyways bye

Published 20.08.22

Edited & Republished - 26.07.23

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