✨ Chapter 5✨

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Awakening from my slumber, I slowly got up into a sitting position on my bed. A cracking sound made its way around my room as I stretched my body back satisfyingly, a yawn escaping my lips at the same time. Slowly opening my eyes, the bright light radiating from the sun penetrated the windows, blinding me as I quickly fluttered me eyes shut. Gradually reaching towards my nictitating membrane, my hands massaged them moderately. I blinked a few times after re-opening my eyes. My orbs steadily got used to the brightness of the room.

Reaching towards the side of my bed where my phone was plugged in, I grab the device, flipping it over to check the time. The time currently being 2.17 in the afternoon. I sighed as I realised that today way Sunday meaning that I missed Church service. Well I can always read the Bible later on to make up for the lost time I could have spent with the Lord.

I stretched once more after I successfully got out of bed and I made my way towards my wardrobe to pick an outfit to wear, placing it on my bed once I was done. I headed directly to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Chose something from here - or go find stuff on Pinterest / check out my other story (Pinterest Pics) with a bunch of outfits.

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With this necklace cuz why not ~

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With this necklace cuz why not ~

With this necklace cuz why not ~

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( Time skip cuz I'm lazy )

It was currently 1.15 in the afternoon, (sorry to those who have 24 hour clocks, but it means 13:15), when I headed down to eat breakfast, well lunch for majority of the population. I made my way to the kitchen after greeting my father who was sat in the living room watching a Nollywood movie - my mum was out with my younger brother, Carlos.

Manoeuvring through the kitchen like I was doing some form of parkour, I grabbed a bowl and a box of my favourite 'Craze' cereal (we gonna go with that cuz I like it 🤷‍♀️ - A/n) and placed them down on the dining table in the room attached to the kitchen. I made my way back into the open cooking space to grab the milk out of the fridge, accompanied with an iron spoon I grabbed from a drawer.

I poured some of the milk into the bowl making sure not to fill it up. Then I took the cereal and filled the bowl up with the amount that I felt like eating, lastly I covered everything with the remaining bit of milk that I did not put in earlier.

( I do it this way cuz it satisfies everyone's way of eating cereal in my opinion )

Closing my eyes and putting my hands flat together with my palms facing each other, I said a short prayer before eating. Taking a hold of the metal spoon, I dug into the sea of iron-filled brunch and then placed the spoon into my mouth. A delightful look spread across my face as I reminisced about the first time I attempted to try this cereal.

Since I was eating alone, I took my AirPods out of my pocket and placed the left earpiece into my ear. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, unlocked it using Face ID and swiped the homepage multiple times to reach the page which had my music apps on it. I double tapped on the app and searched for the playlist I listened to the most. Once I had found the said list, I tapped the 'shuffle play' button, after waiting for the device in my ear to connect to the one in my hand, and placed my phone face down on the table, turning it off at the same time.

After I finished my breakfast/lunch, I cleared and washed all the dishes I had used, placing them in the dish rack near the sink when I was done.

Time skip brought to you by the song      - 'It can't be over' -

{ 3rd person POV: }

- Summary of what she did today cuz this chapter is kinda dragging out -

She met up with Penelope, Ray, Mickey and Jasmine at Penelope's house. They ordered pizza and chicken wings and ate it while watching a horror movie. (without Mickey and Jasmine flirting like they did during Penelope's birthday party). Rose eventually got picked up by one of her parents at like 7pm (19:00 o'clock) and went home happy.

- End of summary -

Published - 28.12.22

Edited & Republished - 27.07.23

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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