Takasaki Yu (Dream)

172 2 7

Year: Second Year.
Height: Taller than Yuu.
School idol/Member/None: None.

[Saturday, Yuu's house, night]

Y/N sleepover at Yuu's house after she lost her house key. Her parent are mad at her thus she don't want to go home today. Yuu already called Y/N's parent about the sleepover.

Yuu just finished shower and she's walking to her room.

*door open*


Yuu: Tired after being scolded by your parent, huh?

Yuu: Tired after being scolded by your parent, huh?

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[Art by: rama (yu-light8)]


I don't want to go home! Please, Yuu, let me sleepover at your house? I will treat you on lunch tomorrow!

Yuu: How can the key be missing whereas you always put it inside your pocket?

I don't know! It's mysterious dissappear inside my pocket!

Yuu: Are you sure you not take out the key from your pocket somewhere?

I'm 100% sure!......probably.


Yuu: *giggle*Well, I'm so glad we (Nijigaku) don't have practice tomorrow.

After her hair completely dry, Yuu hanging the towel then go to the bed and laying beside Y/N. She looks at Y/N, their face are facing each other.

Yuu: With you in manga club and me in school idol club, we rarely meet each other so *smile*I'm happy when you said you want to sleepover at my house. Good night, Y/N.



Yuu: Zzz...

Hnn*hug Yuu*

Yuu: !?

Suddenly, Y/N cuddling Yuu.

Yuu: Wha-

*sleep talking*It's smells so good...

Y/N keep cuddling and cuddling until Yuu can't take it, she push Y/N then standing away from the bed. She accidentally push Y/N until her head hit by the wall.

Ow!*wake up*

Yuu: ///////////////////


Y/N looking at Yuu, confuses; why her head is being hit by the wall? and why Yuu's face is red?

Yuu: What kind of dream you were dreaming?!/////////



!!!!!////////////I-I Can Explain!

Wiping the head to reduce the pain, Y/N sit on the bed and explain her dream to Yuu.

It's a happy dream for her. In her dream, she got birthday present from Yuu. Its's a medium big present. When she open up the present, is a plushie that have face of Yuu.

[A/N: There are two or many kind of plushie that Love Live! sell so you can imagine one for this chapter]

It's so cute thus she start hugging and cuddling the plushie.

..that's how it happened////////

Yuu: //////////Do you want your birthday present is my plushie?

Y/N's birthday is coming on next week.

////N-no, it's okay! I don't need it, I mean, why should I need plushie when you're here beside me?

Yuu: !?///////That's...true.

There nothing to talk after that so both of them silent for a minute before,


Yuu: Hey, don't fall asleep while sitting.

Yuu laying Y/N back to the bed and cover her with blanket.

Yuu also lay on the bed, beside Y/N, same like earlier.

Yuu: //////(Maybe I should give her that for her birthday).

With that, Yuu start to sleep.

Female Reader (Teasing/Is Teased By) Nijigasaki CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now