Chapter 10

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"Another one."

The bitter taste of beer slowly slides down my throat as I empty the bottle into my mouth.

"Yuck." I gag, placing the empty can on the counter next to me.

"Here. Another one," Susan says, shoving another beer in my face.

I glare at her. "No, you said the last one was the last one/ I've already drank three." I gesture at the empty cans next to us.

"Yes, but I want to make sure you'll be able to tell them. So here, drink another one." She grabs my hand, shoving the cold drink it.

A sigh escapes my lips as I open it and bring it to my mouth with a scowl. "Only because I love them, and I'm too much of a coward to tell them sober."

"Right. You love them, that's why you're drinking. Drunk people are honest."

I pause, taking the now half empty beer from my lips. "Drunk people are stupid. They do stupid things that they regret later." Just like telling your two older brothers you love them and also want to sleep with them. I groan, placing the drink down. What am I doing? I don't drink, and I really don't want to get embarrassed if I'm rejected.

"Hey, don't lose your nerve now. The time is now or never. I could be out there finding some girl to fuck right now, but no. I'm helping you. So come on, finish it." Susan reaches for the beer can, shaking it at me.

I take it from her, finishing it. "That should be enough," she says with a nod. I can feel it in me, swirling my thoughts and making me want to laugh at completely nothing. I bring a hand to my head as I try to hold onto some thoughts. Wow, do I feel good.

"You just got your buzz, man. Now, go find them. I thought I saw them out there." She points at the dance floor, finishing a beer herself before giving me a wink and an encouraging smile. I shake my head slightly as I watch her disappear into the crowd with a flip of her green half-head of hair.

I push away from the counter. My feet seemed to kiss the floor as I stumbled, barely catching myself on the wall before falling. A laugh bubbles up from my stomach. Woah. That was a close one.

The loud pounding of the music is suddenly funny to me and I can't help but laugh at it as I make my way into the mob of people.

"Scuse' me," I slur, grabbing onto people's shoulders as I make my way through the crowd. A flash of blonde hair catches my eye, and I watch as Andrew and Isaac make their way towards the stairs.

I smile. "Ah. My brothers are like rabbits." I giggle, making my way towards the steps.

I watch as their shoulders bump as they climb the stairs. They're barely able to keep their hands off of each other.

"Whoops," I laugh as I trip again, my hands reaching out for something. I grab onto the banister. I slowly make my way up the stairs, taking at least twice the time to make it up, my full concentration being trained on the stairs and my clumsy feet.

My eyes travel to each door in the hallway before I stumble towards one. The loud sounds of moaning drift out from under it. I couldn't help but laugh as I listen. Pushing the door open, my eyes widen as I watch a man and woman pull at each other's clothes.

"Oops," I mutter, closing the door. I try another door, finding it locked. I sigh. How am I supposed to confess if I had no idea where they are? I make my way over to another door, trying the handle to find it unlocked. I slowly push it open. My eyes travel around the room before I spot my brothers.

Isaac has Andrew pressed against one of the walls. One of his hands has pinned the blonde's above the wall while his other hand massaged the excited boy through his jeans. I bite my lip as I watch Andrew wiggle one of his arms free before slipping it into Isaac's pants.

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