chapter 2

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when the boy finally entered his first class he sighed in relief, he was late 10 minutes but guess it..he was lucky today

to be honest, the brunette didn't really want to exchange colleges, he did it because of his three best friends. jisung, minho and hyunjin

he was just as lonely as a one cactus in a enormous and a gigantic desert in his past college, so he maybe was anticipated a little for being with his friends in this new college

he brushed with his hands through his shiny and soft curls, when he entered he felt the anxiety run through his veins, he wasn't used to have all the eyes on him in that way, but luckily ms. sana set a foot in the classroom making the students pay attention now to her and peer their eyes away from the nervous boy, he was always confident, or that what other people thought of him, he never showed how uncomfortable he felt when people gazed at him as if he was an extremly strange wierdo person, but he just showed less.

"please introduce yourselves" the biology teacher took a little glance at someone in the back seat of the classroom then back at the boy motioning with her hand to the boy making him stand infront of the other 28 students, the same goes to the girl who walked out of her seat then stood just a few inches away from the boy

he took a deep breath before starting, "my name is bangchan you can call me chris?, i am 18 years old,and umm..lets get along together and be uh friends?" he sounded reallyyy awkward but that didn't stop people from gasping out loud at the boy's accent, mostly were girls and there were some boys too, they were so thunderstruck that most of those 28 students jaw dropped.

it was silence, it wasn't awkward but more like the shockness silence, ms. sana nodded her head before looking at the girl who was fiddling with her fingers, trying to occupy her mind with something else other than..nervousness, if chan was feeling nervous, so the girl felt something more than that, she was literally having difficulty in breathing properly, her heart was beating so fast as if the oxygen couldn't reach it anymore, of course she wasn't dying but she couldn't handle being the center of the attention, she wasn't used to that either.

she tried to make her heart beats suitable and steady before she started, "i a-am.." she cleared her throat before starting one more time, "i am park byeol........17 years......can i go back now?" she looked at the biology teacher with bleeding eyes, she just wanted to bury herself in the back beside her two only friends. ms. sana nodded completely understanding the little nervous girl giving her attention back to chan and telling him to quickly find a seat to start today's lessons

and its probably needless to be said but chan of course sat beside the only squirrel like boy, han jisung, his best friend making the boy internally scream before shaking chan's arm in excitement

"oh my goddd chann!, AAAAA" the boy whispered yelled making chan roll his eyes at him before chuckling cutely, "sungie.. ms. sana is glaring at you" jisung gasped quietly before paying his attention back to the smart board.

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"chan..this is sayona, she have been staring at you for so long bro, maybe go talk to her?" jisung spoke pointing his finger at a girl, she was sitting with a group of girls just right beside chan's lunch table, chan didn't feel comfortable, and to be more specific he was too far away from feeling comfortable.

just at this moment hyunjin came sighing throwing himself right on top of the chair as if it was a couch, when he realized it isn't a couch he yelled a flustered scream making the other two boys stare at him with only confusion.

"hyun..what happened?" chan spoke getting the tired boy's attention, he sat properly before sighing one more time then started speaking

"the americano in this cafeteria tastes nasty!" he looked likely to a baby ferret now, jisung giggled at the drama llama before realization made him talk

"where's min?" hyunjin smirked at jisung's words remembering what the hell he have done, then this smirk dropped after he saw the mentioned boy run towards them

"HWANG HYUNJIN!" he shouted sitting right beside him glaring holes in the boy's light skin. when he was just about to attack the boy chan interrupted him.

"hey...hey, what's the matter???"

"this dumbass made me drink the whole disgusting bottle of this college's americano, oh shit! it tasted so ew..i had to puke after i drank that whole bottle in a one breathe" minho's expression showed it all, and jisung stared laughing at them.

"oh come on! it won't be this bad" the three boys just scoffed in respond and before hyunjin even say a word about this university's nasty americano this sayona girl approached them towards their table

she had a medium-longness dark brown hair, her eyes looked almond-shaped with a greyish color,her face was oval shaped and her eyebrows was thin and thick, but for some reasons the mood in that table immediately dropped after seeing that strange,unknown girl, for chan, and he didnt know why would their mood just change in the speed of light but he didnt question it yet.

"channie oppa...would you like to walk all around the university with me?" and just with that minho, hyunjin and jisung left out a disgusted expression, chan actually didnt know what the hell is happening but he found that girl extremely strange, wait! did she just call him oppa????

"no thanks.." minho coldly replied

"i guess you saw it, i was asking channie not you" she crossed her arms looking again at chan trying her best to show how a 'cutie' she is, chan was literally disgusted by this shit and before he decline her offer jisung whispered in his ear to just accept it and go with her..he knew the girl won't harm the boy mentally or physically so he was safe and the only thing minho, hyunjin and jisung himself hated about her, is how pick me she is with all of the boy's in here, they quiet remembered how she acted when she saw them and how of a sult she could actually be, but jisung wanted to give it a try.

"okay why not" when chan thought about it a little more he found out that it was okay, its not like the girl would bite him or something

she smiled..fakely before tugging on his arm and started to walk for gods knows where.

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