chapter 22

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"BYEOL!" eric ran towards the confused girl taking a hold of her wrist and started rushing again to god's knows where, he didnt even make the girl utter a single word,

until he stopped at a small classroom, it looked terrifying, dust was everywhere, there were some desks and chairs which were miserably broken, The two windows were dark and filled with shadows that could play tricks on someone's was manifestly that no one entered this classroom for a really long time, the place was blood-curdling, and it made the girl's stomach-turn, not from this eerily place but because the boy who brought her in here

"what do you want eric?" she spoke in a cold manner,crossing her arms and looking at him from top to bottom trying to find any reason for bringing her in this disgusting place

"..remember?..yesterday, we didn't have some fun after what sayona did," the boy whispered the last four words beside her left ear, smirking at the sight of the girl who felt ghastly, the name was so familiar, but the girl can't think of anything right now rather than making eric leave her alone,but that was impossible, eric had his two eyes on her, so he would never leave her alone until he hopefully dies.

the boy started messaging her arms by his hand's nails, moving up and down, the girl felt disgusted, she wanted to hide, to run, to disappear, to die..

"can you stop..i dont feel comfortable" the girl muttered, it was good enough to make the boy hear her clearly, but he didnt bother to make importance to her words, just ignoring the tears in her eyes and her unsteady voice, the boy cupped her cheeks looking at her in the eyes, he gave a malicious smile, the girl started to push him with every strength god gave her, but she would have guessed it, the boy is obviously stronger than her, he started leaning in making the space between their faces 3 inches apart, the girl gave up and the tears started to storm out of her eyes, and the boy was completely ignoring that

"stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop, stop!" the girl didn't want to have her first kiss in that way, she hated how she looked weak right now but she can't think properly anymore, all she wanted is to be saved, but ain't no way someone will find them in this unknown place, and the boy one more time ignored her words, and started to move his face closer, and then a great tremor overtook her and the tears started racing down her red cheeks

"dont you listen?,she said stop!" a voice, a familiar ones, growled making eric look behind just to be spooked by the person who spoke, byeol breathed freely seeing the face of the boy who must have saved her,bangchan.

"what you gonna do?, she is in my arms, and you can't do anything about it!" eric growled back, moving his hands and tightly gripping the girl's shoulder making the girl whimper in pain

"you better leave her or you gonna regret it eric!" chan started to get impatient he moved closer to the boy who would probably have a stick inside of his head and with each move the boy's grip tighten making the girl cry in pain, "ERIC!, YOU NEED TO STOP THIS MADNESS,RIGHT NOW!" he shouted, grabbing the boy by his collar and punched him straight in the face,chan looked at him with a scowl expression, "eric, if you just had a single thought about doing this one more time you are gonna die....heard me clearly right?, die!" he punched him one more time in the face making him fall on the dirty floor before grabbing the girl's hand and heading out of this place.

when they were almost in a better place, byeol took a very deep breathe putting one of her hands up to meet the girl's own chest before starting to inhale and exhale slowly, the place was a small closed indoors area,dust was everywhere,the only source that could produce and give oxygen was the half opened door, but what happened made the girl hold her breathe inside of her chest for a very long time and of course it was hard to breathe when there is a boy trying to kiss you without your permission, and it was worst when the girl cried, she felt exhausted,tired and her throat felt dry, she couldn't form a  word without lightly stuttering

"are... you alright?" the boy softly spoke, she looked up at him, only to see how the boy truly was concerned and worried about her, she slowly nodded her head, just wanting to do something,she wasn't really sure about it,but maybe it will make her feel better?, yes, she just missed the way it happened, the warmth of his body meeting her cold ones.

before the boy knows it, he was clinched in the girls arms, and pressing her head on his chest, hearing his steady heart beats made her forget about everything,"i am" she softly whispered, and with that the boy hugged her back, everytime byeol hugged chan she immediately feels as if its a warm blanket wrapped around her body,which is shaking, cold and wet.

A hug could communicate a thousand of words.

and little did they know, someone was secretly watching them from behind with fire and burning eyes.........

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