chapter 32

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a boy with droopy shoulders, his eyes downcast, walking slowly to meet his friend. he carries a weight on his chest, as if the world has suddenly become too heavy. his steps lack their usual energy, as if each one is a struggle against invisible forces. he's on his way to share something important, but the heaviness in his heart weighs him down, making every movement seem like a burden,

he was clutching a crumpled piece of paper in his hand, his fingers trembling slightly as he holds onto it tightly. His usual bright smirk is nowhere to be found instead, his lips are drawn into a thin line, and his brows are furrowed with worry. as he walks, the wind seems to echo his somber mood, blowing through his hair in a melancholic dance. despite the bustling streets around him, he feels utterly alone in his sadness, as if the whole world has turned its back on him.

chan was waiting anxiously at their usual meeting spot, tapping his foot nervously on the ground. he keeps on checking his watch, mind racing with worry about his friend's unusual behavior, when he called minho in the morning his voice was indeed sad, his usual cheerful demeanor wad nowhere to be found. chan was with an overshadowed with a cloud of concern, and and can't shake off the feeling that something is terribly wrong. As he glances around, searching for any sign of his friend's arrival, their heart sinks with each passing minute. They're ready to listen, ready to offer a shoulder to lean on, but most of all, they just want his friend to know that hes there for him, no matter what.

after a while the sad boy finally reaches the meeting spot and sees his friend waiting there. Their eyes meet, and in that instant, the weight on the sad boy's shoulders feels just a little lighter. without a word, minho rushes over and envelops chan in a tight hug, of course it was a big shock for chan, minho never hugged him first,he was always the one to hug the boy in his arms first, but he just embraced his friend tighter. minho's eyes glisten with unshed tears as he clings to his friend, finally feeling like he's not alone in this whole thing. they sit down together, and the sad boy begins to pour out his heart.

"c-chan...jisung wasn't answering any of my calls yesterday and i got hella worried about him, i tried calling his mother, i tried calling his father, i have even tried calling hyunjin to ask if jisung was okay, his mother and father told me that he was okay, just a bit tired from campus and shit, but then when i asked if i could come over to make sure that he was safe they told me that jisung said he doesn't wanna see anyone right now, so i just thought that he needs some alone time and either way I'll see him today in campus. but today in campus when i was actually gonna hug him, he refused the hug, just completely ignoring me chan, he was ignoring me!, i didn't understand why was he being like that and when i asked he lashed out on me shouting in my face some hurtful words like 'leave me the fuck alone','i dont wanna see your face','go away for fucks sake'a-and.. 'go like the s-slut you are and f-fuck some g-girls.." the words spilling out in a rush of emotion. his friend listens instantly, but when minho pused his words some tears were already pouring out of his eyes as he tried hiding his-soon- to-be-pretty-loud-sobs.

he tried drying his face full of tears as he continued, "i-i didn't understand why was he saying those words to me and before knowing anything, he gave me a paper and ran away." minho finished his words with a dry chuckle as if he didn't want to remember that this paper even existed.

chan looked at him so worriedly, he never saw minho in so much pain before.

minho took a deep breath, his hand trembling slightly, with a mix of hesitation and determination, he extends his hand towards his friend, offering up the paper as if it holds the weight of his entire world. chan's eyes widen with curiosity and concern as he accepts the paper, unfolding it carefully to reveal the words written upon it.

'lets not be friends anymore minho.'

that was the only thing written on the paper, as chan's eyes widened in shock, he partly knew why han did that, but he didn't know that he would just end everything just like that. chan looked up just to see a sight he could never bare ever seeing in his life.

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