I Can Explain

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Jae usually didn't knock. At this point, Kylo probably considered it annoying to have to get up from his chair to let her in. So she always just strolled in so they could do their business, but this time felt different. She could feel his anger before she even rounded the corner. He was mad and she was about to pay for it. And the worst part was he didn't even know she denied him for good reason. He probably thought she was just being a brat, like always.

So, she knocked, already feeling awkward and sweaty for what was coming her way.

When he answered, she was surprised to find him in casual clothing. A black undershirt and his usual pants - he looked so much softer than she'd ever seen him. And she was surprised to not see an immediate look of rage on his face. She could still feel it, but it wasn't apparent in his features. Maybe he had been practicing his poker face in the mirror.

"Kylo I can-" She tried.

"Get inside."

He ushered her inside quickly before closing the door and turning to face her. He was in the zone already, but Jae was far from it. She wasn't in the mood to be punished and taken within an inch of her sanity. If Kylo was anyone but himself, she would ask him to hold her and assure her that everything would be alright. But she knew better than to expect that kind of treatment from him.

"Sir," she tried, hoping if she used his favorite title, he might listen to her. "I know you're upset with me, but can I explain?"

Kylo considered this, weighing in his mind whether or not he thought her excuse would be relevant to what was about to happen. She looked so scared - so pitiful. So adorable. Maybe he'd give her a chance.

"I'm all ears."

Now was the time to decide. Should she tell him the truth or just make up some excuse about being exhausted from the work day? Would he even believe her if she lied like that? He had a good sense for when she was lying - or she was just horrible at it. Either way, she had about half a second left to decide.

And before she could even use that time to think rationally, she blurted out everything that happened the day before. From running into Hux to getting cornered by him to being propositioned and punching him.

Without even moving, Kylo's stature became a hundred times more intimidating as he listened. His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched.

"I didn't want to see you because I was embarrassed and in pain and I just wanted to forget everything and-"

Kylo cut her off. "Did he touch you?"

Jae thought she didn't hear him right. "What?"

"Did. He. Touch. You?"

Jae rose her injured arm, slightly scared. "Like I said, I clocked him, but he also did grab me when I tried to walk away."

She showed him the bruises on her arm and watched him ball his fists at his side for a moment before visibly relaxing. He met her gaze and she was surprised at how soft his features suddenly seemed.

"Come with me, sweetheart." He gently took her good hand and began to lead her further into the room, crossing it to a door on the opposite side. It slide open and he lead her into what seemed to be his bedroom. It just occurred to her that in all the time they had been fooling around, she'd never seen his bed. The room was practically empty save for the bed and a plush chair. Everything was black, of course. And there was another door that could only lead to a lavatory.

It was very simple. It was very Kylo.

Once they were in the room Kylo pulled her forward, slipping behind her to guide her through the room with a hand on her lower back. He was being uncharacteristically gentle with her. But she wasn't complaining.

Once they approached the bed, Kylo leaned down to her ear.

"Take off your shoes, baby girl. Lay down and get comfortable. I'm going to get you an ice pack for your hand."

Jae panicked. "Oh, sir, you don't have to do that. It's fine, I pro-"


Jae was shocked at how desperate he sounded.

"Please. Let me help you."

So, she let him. She kicked off her shoes and laid down on his very comfortable bed. He left and came back a moment later with an ice pack. She watched him as he carefully unwrapped her hand and placed the pack on it. She winced a little, but he held her firm and helped take care of it. Once he was done, he wrapped it back up with a fresh bandage and laid down next to her, clutching her to his chest.

"Why are you doing this, Kylo?"

"I told you. You are mine, Jae. You are mine to take care of and protect. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you from that cretin. But I promise you this,"

He paused, pressing a single kiss to her temple.

"He will pay."

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