Friendship of Convenience

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Sorry this is late, babe. I got busy yesterday lol. Enjoy.


It took a few days, but Jae finally broke down and told Elia what happened. More like she squeezed it out of her by never letting up on asking what went down during her visit with Kylo. Plus Jae was just dying to talk about what happened - even if it was with someone she barely knew. But at this point, Elia seemed like she was going to be a staple in her life so might as well take advantage of it.

"Shh! Keep your voice down!" Jae scolded, grabbing one of Elia's flailing arms to steady her. They were in the lunch hall, filled with all the students and teachers. There were more than enough ears to eavesdrop on Elia's fit.

"Are you kidding me?!" She whispered this time. "You banged the boss?! And he spanked you for breaking the rules?! What are we in a shitty porno or something?!"

"You would know," Jae quipped, scrunching her nose at her friend. Yes, they were friends now. Jae had fully accepted Elia into her life - she figured she'd lose less energy accepting her rather than trying to fight her. That and she was a little lonely.

"Oh, bitch, do not try to turn the attention onto me," Elia waved her hand, dismissively. "But this makes sense as to why Kylo has been staring daggers at you the last few days."

Jae instantly went red, turning her head and looking for those piercing amber eyes. She had to remind herself he never ate with the rest of the company. Any moment he wasn't taking care of business was spent tucked away in his office.

"Oh gods. Even the sound of his name gets you going! He must've really been good. Maybe I need to disobey more often. Do you think I could get in on one of those lessons?"

"What?" Jae was genuinely baffled. How was Elia not more shocked about this? How was she not angry or even more confused? Kylo Ren completely abused his position in order to get his dick wet. He violated basic rules of conduct and was entirely unethical.

And yet. Everything in Jae's body was screaming for more.

"Have you lost your mind?"

"What?" Elia shrugged. "Have you seen that man? Girl, every woman on this rock would die to be in your shoes. Including me, bitch! Come on. Live a little for once."

Jae opened her mouth to reply, but was stopped by something hitting her leg. She looked down and saw a little messenger droid bumping her to get her attention.

"Jae Matthews, report to Master Ren's office immediately."

It beeped a few times before scurrying off. Jae rolled her eyes and looked back up to Elia. She had the biggest grin on her face, complete with wiggling eyebrows.

"Now this is certainly deja vu-ish. Go get 'em, tiger. Tell me everything when you get back."

She winked at Jae and shooed her away to adhere to her summons. And as terrified as she was to face Kylo again, she couldn't help but smile to herself as she made her way to his office.

Elia isn't so bad, I guess. I can't ever tell her she's as funny as she is. It'll go right to her head.

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