The Hussy

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Here's another one, Darling. Since I missed all those weeks <3<3<3 This one is a little mushy lol


Jae cringed and shook her head in exasperation. They were in Jae's quarters with no one around, but it didn't make the yelling any better. "You really need to stop doing that every time I tell you something."

"Well, you need to stop having such earth-shattering news! Please tell me you are joking!" Elia said, quieter, but still loudly.

"I wish I was," Jae replied, solemnly.

"Oh, that fucking jagweed. I will rip out his intestines and shove them down his throat before he even has time to raise those translucent eyebrows of his."

Jae couldn't help but smile. As horrible as the situation with Hux was, it felt good to know someone had her back. Elia had a more violent nature about the whole thing, but she guessed there needed to be brains and brawn in an iconic duo.

"Please tell me you slapped him."

"Punched, actually."

"GOOD! I'd do it myself if he were here right now."

"Well, he didn't leave me without any damage." Jae showed her her sprained hand and bruised arm from when he grabbed her.

Elia gasped, lightly touching Jae's bruises and getting a closer look at the bandaged hand. Her jaw clenched and she took a deep breath.

"I'm definitely killing him. Would you prefer brute force or psychological torture?"

Jae scoffed, waving her friend off.

"I'm just surprised I haven't been fired. Or even written up, to my knowledge."

"Maybe it's because you're in good graces with the head honcho."

"Or maybe because Hux was too embarrassed at his failed sexual assault that he went straight to his quarters and cried into his sheets instead of going to report me to Kylo."

Elia laughed loudly, enjoying the image of the ferret sobbing from embarrassment.

"Oh, I adore you. You told Kylo about this right?"

Jae gave her a guilty side-eye. "No."

"Why not?!"

"Because it wasn't that big of a deal. I think I handled it myself pretty well."

"Punching him was a good move, but babes, Hux needs to get in trouble for this. Real professional or legal trouble. Relationship aside, this is the kind of thing Kylo should be informed of. It's his job to keep all of us safe - he told you himself how important safety was to him. You were in danger."

"It's fine really. I'm fine. And Kylo and I are not in a relationship, by the way." Jae said, dismissively. She just wanted to forget about it and move on. She didn't want to drag out the feelings by bringing Kylo into it.

Elia sighed, her heart aching. "It's your choice, Jae. But I really think you should think about it. Think about the message that could be set. Hux's behavior was NOT okay, superior or not. It should not be tolerated, especially in the workplace."

"I know, it's just-" Jae choked on the words. It was something she didn't want to admit, but it was eating her up inside. "Hux knew about Kylo and I. Does everyone know? Am I just seen as an easy hussy around here? The office slut who sleeps with the boss to get ahead?"

"No!" Elia grabbed Jae's good hand. "Babes, no. Trust me. I am the gossip HQ in this place and no one has ever said anything about you and Kylo. Hux is just a pathetic loser who has nothing better to do all day than stare at Kylo Ren and wish he had his job. I'm sure in all his stalking, he just happened to notice a look passed between you two. And I only noticed because you told me. Okay?"

Jae's eyes were a little misty, but she blinked it away. If Elia was telling the truth, then she felt much better about what she said. She gave her a nod and squeezed her hand to which Elia gave her a big smile.

"Come here, bitch."

Elia scooted closer to Jae, throwing her arms around her. She was careful to avoid Jae's injuries as she gave her a big squeeze. And whatever void Jae was feeling in her chest filled up as she returned the hug to her friend. Once again, she thanked the Maker for sending her such a good person in a time of need before she even knew she needed one.

Once they pulled away, Elia sighed.

"So, thinking about telling him aside, how are you going to handle Kylo? I know he is very pushy almost every day."

Jae snorted - ain't that the truth. "He wanted to see me last night, but I told him I was busy. I don't really want to see him at all right now. He-"

She was cut off by her door swinging open. They both jumped, turning to see who was intruding and found a tiny droid rolling into the room.

"Oh for the love of," Jae groaned.

Elia giggled, "Speak of the fucking devil."

The droid beeped, "Jae Matthews, report to Kylo Ren's office at once."

Jae had an unmistakable urge to throw a pillow at the damn thing.

"Will you tell him I'm busy and can't see him tonight, please?"

The droid didn't move. If it had eyes, they imagined it would be staring at them.

"Master Ren was rather insistent you come, Jae Matthews. He said it was important and he expects you there in ten minutes."

Great. Now he's being grumpy and pushy.

Jae grumbled loudly, looking to Elia to save her. But she knew she couldn't rescue her from the devil. So, she dismissed the droid with an affirmative message, hugged Elia goodbye, and straightened herself up before taking the long walk to hell where her terrifying demon was waiting to probably throw her over his knee for denying him.

What is my life?

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