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It was a peaceful bright day

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It was a peaceful bright day.
Katerina had just gotten ready and she went to the nearest bar which was The Mystic Falls grill.

She sat down on one of the chairs and ordered a small vodka.

"You've got 21?".The bartender asked.
"You've got 18?".Katerina replied when she looked him up and down.

His face was babyish.And he looked exactly like a teenager.He wasn't even legal working there.

"Fair enough".The bartender replied and made her the drink.

He put it in front of her and Katerina immediately took a sip of it.

She made a grimace since she had never drank alcohol before.
H.Y.D.R.A only gave them soups,meds and water.

"First time?".A man that was sat on a seat far from her asked.

He looked quiet handsome with his sharp jawline,dark eyes and messy hair.

"The only thing I have drinkers for the past 3 years was water only".Katerina said as she saw what he was drinking.

"We're in psych ward?".The man smiled.
"Something like that".Katerina replied

"I'm Damon Salvatore".Damon introduced.
Katerina have heard about him.Katherine had warned her to stay away from the Salvatore brothers because they bring every person they know problems.

"Katerina Clemontè".Katerina smiled.
"You aren't American are you?".Damon asked.

"Nope Italian".
"You accent is not Italian either".
"Born in Slovakia".


"You have a brother ,right?".Katerina asked as she turned her head to look at him.
"Oh so you've heard about my famous brother as well.How am I even surprised".Damon scoffed.

"You're vampires if I am not mistaken".
Damon's head snapped to Katerina's direction.
He looked at her in shock.

"How do you know?".Damon exclaimed.
"Do you know Katherine?".Katerina continued questioning Damon.

"Oh god!The little slut.Of course I know her!How could i forget her.Thank god the bitch is dead".Damon rolled his eyes.

"Who killed her?".Katerina asked pretending to not know anything.

"Wait wait!How do you know all of this?How do you know her?".Damon asked.
"We were friends".

"Katherine doesn't have friends".Damon ragged.It was even pretty weird how Katherine helped Katerina.

"She had.Me".
"This doesn't explain anything but I don't care.Maybe she had heart in some point".Damon shrugged.

As Katerina continued taking small sips from her cup suddenly Damon's head snapped to look at Katerina.

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