13:"Miss me?"

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"Good morning sunshine".
Elijah entered Katerina's room with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hands.
He placed them in the vase beside her bed as Katerina opened her eyes and yawned.

"Good Morning Elijah".Katerina said peacefully when she got up to her knees.

Elijah smiled and sped out of the room leaving the girl to get ready.

In the kitchen someone was making breakfast since the whole house smelled wonderful

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In the kitchen someone was making breakfast since the whole house smelled wonderful.

"Ooh someone decided to cook today".Katerina grinned when she saw Niklaus.Ususllay the staff cooked.

"Good morning to you too love".Klaus said as he put the toast in a plate serving it to Rae.

"What's with the nicknames today".She rolled her eyes making Niklaus smirk.

Rae sat herself on the table and gave a look at the toast.
"You made my favourite?Is it eatable??".

"It's made as you like it.Two brown-bread slices,one mashed avocado with cheese and tomato".

Katerina furrowed her eyebrows."I guess it's eatable".

She took a bite and made a grimace.
"You could've put a pinch of salt but it's still fine".

Klaus shrugged and grabbed his phone.

"Yea it's me"
"What is it?"
"Alright we'll be there soon".

Klaus hang up and sighed annoyed.

"I can't eat my breakfast in peace for fuck's sake.I got it..Let's go".Katerina said and got up.

"Smart enough".Klaus grinned and the two left the mansion.

As they stood in front of it Klaus trying to find his keys Rae rolled her eyes.

"Where are we heading to?".She asked.
"Salvatore boarding house".Klaus answered.

Katerina smirked and took his hand.
"Perfectly fine with me".
She formed the energy wrisp and trow it on the ground teleporting them directly in there.

The two appeared out of no where in the living room of the Salvatore boarding house where the supernatural "heroes" were standing.

All Elena,Damon,Stefan,Bonnie,Caroline and Matt's eyes widened.

"Miss me?".Katerina smirked as she eyed them all.

Damon tried to sped away but as soon he "ran" Katerina stopped him in his tracks with her telekinesis powers.

"Now now darling.Don't run from me".Katerina seductively said as she went over him with her hand in front of her body still not letting go of his figure.

Damon groaned quietly.
"You can all leave please or else it will get ugly".Katerina turned to the rest.

Stefan sped to Katerina probably wanting to save his brother but Katerina stopped him with her other hand surrounded by her chaotic energy.

"I'm ripping your heart out next if you don't leave right now with your little friends".Katerina snapped then she lifted him up sending him on the other side of the room.

Stefan got up and grabbed Elena leaving the house with her and their friends behind them.

Klaus's face was all a big smirk.He sat on the couch admiring the situation.

"Klaus chair".Katerina order and Klaus immediately bring her one.
She placed Damon on it and made the little ball into a bigger one throwing it onto him.

"Instructions Damon.If you try to move even your finger I will snap your neck".Katerina said.Damon looked at her as if she was crazy.

"You know this won't kill me right?".
"Not you".Katerina smirked.
"Then who?".Damon questioned.

"Your precious little love bird".Katerina mocked.

Klaus's little lightbulb lighted and he laughed.
"I must admit.You're very smart Rae".He said.

"I don't love nobody Kat".Damon said gently.
"Oh don't say shit to me Damon!".Katerina hissed half-spinning her body.

At her saying that one of the lamps broke.

Damon jumped a little making Katerina smile widely.
"You're a good listener Damon.Now Elena's got a broken rib".She grinned.

"What?!".Damon yelled in horror.

"See Nik.It's true.His precious love is Gilbert".Katerina laughed.

"What did you do Katerina".Damon said trough Britten teeth.

"Oh maybe I binded your body to your true love's body and maybe every single movement you make it hurts her.I didn't know it was Elena but your face answered it all".

"I had to bring popcorn,fuck".Klaus muttered as he watched Katerina and Damon.

Katerina stopped talking for a while watching over at Damon who was already sweating trying not to move.

"My work's done Nik.We can go".Katerina turned to Klaus as he whined.

"It just started to get interesting".
"Won't you do something more serious to him?".

"We all know you're heartless and incapable of love but for Damon's enough.He won't move knowing it hurts Elena so it's a punishment.I can kill him right here but it won't be as fun".Rae grinned,gave Damon a last glance and walked out of the house with Klaus right behind her.

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