Chapter 16

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"Alexia!" I heard Gerrad shout, i heard his running footsteps getting closer as i walked through the corridor back to my room.

"What do you want?" I asked turning round, but still walking backwards.

He soon caught up with me, and was walking by my side.

"You did great out there. You were the star of the show." He grinned.

"Dont lie." I rolled my eyes. I soon came to my room and Gerrad held the door open for me to walk in.

"You know, i never wanted to be here. You brought me here without my consent. Who do you think you are? Do my parents know? Where are they. Do they know where i am?" I asked worringly. This was the first time i had thought about them. Selfish? I know. My mind is muddled.

"Your parents think you have been kidnapped." Gerrad said standing firmly after closing the door behind him.

"Exactly, i have. I didnt want to be here. Now im going to die!" I shouted.

"I want you to take me home!" I shouted.

"Impossible, you are not going to die. Ronan has taken a shine to you. Play your cards right, and you will live. I promise you." Gerrad tried to reasure me.

"Your forcing me to make a life and death decision! I dont want to be here, i want to be home. Sitting by the fire with a cup of tea and biscuits. Not to be in this stupid game, which is pointless and just a pure waste of time!" I was screaming now. I started to feel really hot, ready to explode. I was fed up of being trapped in this hell hole. I had no way of getting out.

"Please Alexia. If you listen, you will learn." He said walking towards me. He was soon in my face and whipping the tears that were suddenly rolling down my face. My breathing had gone deep, i had soon forgot how to breath, i was fustrated and confussed. I had forgotten how to breath, short breaths were taken, but it wasnt enough. I soon fell to the floor and lost consientous.

"Alexia!" I saw Gerrad standing over me. My vision was blurred and i couldnt breath.

"Alex-" that was the last thing i heard, before my eyes filled with darkness.

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