Authors Note

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Quick A/N~

Hi! It's been a while since I last posted a story, so I want to thank anyone that's reading this for clicking on my story!

I'll try to make this story as interesting as possible for anyone who was looking for a decent kuroken story to read! Most of the chapters will revolve around Kuroo's thoughts and feelings, but occasionally I will put in a chapter that revolves around Kenma's thoughts/feelings.

A couple of other notes -

This story does include language (swearing, etc.) , mention of injury, and alcohol intake. If any of these make you uncomfortable, then I politely ask that you click off of the story.

I tried to keep this story as close to the events of the Haikyuu time skip as possible, with a few minor changes for Kuroo - I ended up changing his profession because I felt like it fit his personality better and the plot of my story. The rest stays pretty strict to all of the character's actual professions in the story.

This story will soon be available on ao3... I am currently trying to get an invitation for an account, so if you find ao3 easier to navigate than Wattpad, continue to check my profile page - I will post my username in my bio once I have it.

Chapters are posted every 1-2 days

Once again, thank you for checking this out! I spent a lot of time on this and I appreciate your support!

Hope you enjoy it!

- _floorBandaid_1

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