Chapter 1

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A couple of important notes about this story.  This is my first attempt at writing MPREG.  For this story, here is the MPREG background I created.   Roger is a carrier.  A carrier is a male who has the capability of conceiving and carrying a child.  Males who are carriers do have cycles similar to females that begin in puberty.  This is how a male learns he is a carrier.  Their anatomy is that they have a separate physical passage for conceiving and delivering a child.  It only opens up naturally during their ovulation phase, their monthly cycle and when it is time to deliver the baby.  The passage is accessed through their anus but carriers have much more elasticity than the normal anal passage.  They also begin producing their own lubrication during puberty like females.  

In this world I created a birth control pill, which has been developed for male carriers.  It was developed at the same time as the one for females.  Obviously, male carriers must have sex with males to get pregnant.  This means that a pregnant man is generally gay or bisexual.  

I have also played around with some factual information regarding medical technology in the 1970s.  Let's just say this -  since men can also get pregnant there was a lot more interest in research and advancements and laws regarding abortion. Men!

April 1976 - A Night At The Opera World Tour


"What's your name?"  Roger asked as he smiled at the adoring fan standing behind a security rope.  She beamed at him.  

"Tessa."  she replied as Roger scribbled 'To Tessa with love - Roger Taylor' on the cover of the album.  He handed the record back to her as she took her pen.  Gazing at him adoringly.

"Thanks Roger."  she said as Roger nodded.

"Sure."  he replied and felt a hand on his back.  One of the road crew was behind him.  Gesturing it was time to go.  He waved to the crowd of ardent Australian fans.  They were lined up at the back of the show venue waiting to see the band.   "I've got to go...thanks for coming."  he said sincerely as he was guided to the waiting car.  Waving again as the door was opened and he slipped inside.  He saw Freddie and John getting in their car in front of his and then the door opened again and Brian slid in next to him.  He smiled as the door closed and the car took off.

"The after show crowds are getting bigger."  Brian remarked.

"Yes. They are."  Roger agreed as he eyed the swell of people lingering by the back entrance of the auditorium.  Waving to the car as it left.  The amount of fans waiting for them before and after the shows had tripled in the past year.  It was exciting to see their progress as a band.  To see their fame growing and their tours becoming larger affairs.  They were finally hitting the big time and it was good.  Brilliant actually. 

Roger slid down in the seat and yawned.  Tired from the non-stop schedule and ready for a good night's sleep.  He noted Brian looking at him and smiled.  Enjoying it as the guitarist's hand slid over and rested on his thigh.  Squeezing it gently.  Brian's touch always felt good to him.  

"You look tired."  Brian said as Roger formed a slight frown.  Disliking the fact being brought to his attention.

"You're not supposed to tell me that."  Roger replied playfully.  "You're only supposed to tell me I look gorgeous or hot or sexy!"  he reminded his boyfriend.  "Never tired and definitely not old!" Roger complained.  Brian smirked at him. 

"Even when you look a bit tired you're still gorgeous and incredibly sexy."  Brian assured him.  Rendering a happy look from Roger in return.  

"That's better..."  Roger told him as he reached down and took Brian's hand with his own.  Smiling and sighing as he closed his eyes.  Having to admit he did feel tired and yes, it probably showed.  He leaned over and let Brian pull him closer.  Placing his head against the guitarist's chest as they rode in quiet to the hotel.

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