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She smiled at him taking his breath away.
- I don't know maybe.
- ok, ok, is that how is it going to be?ok.
He said pushing his tongue against his cheek, as he pulled up in front of her house.
- I'll walk you to the door.
- that's not necessary.
- who says?
He walked around the car to open the door for her, then they made it to the door, standing on the porch talking for a minute, until the lights of the porch turned on.
- oh no, go my dad woke up.
- what, why?
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.
- because he has certain way to say things.
She said trying to push him away so he would leave but it was too late.
- y/n, what are you doing here at this time of the night with this young man?
- we were just talking dad.
- good evening sir my name is Jeon Jungkook.
- who is he, where is that loser that you call boyfriend?
- something happened tonight with him, Jungkook helped me in the moment, don't worry dad is over.
- what happened young man?
- well sir, she was supposed to meet with him, so I offered to help her to look for him, when she found him he was behind the bleachers kissing another girl.
- what?, see I told you that he was a good for nothing, but you didn't listen.
- when she tried to ask him for an explanation he pushed her on the floor.
- what, what did you do?
- I handled it sir, I punched him in the face sir, knocking down, that's how we ended up here.
- is that the truth y/n?
- yes dad it is.
- thank you young man, nice to meet you, you are welcome here anytime.
Her dad said shaking his hand.
- thank you sir, nice to meet you as well.
- what, do you like Jungkook now?
- yes I do, because he did something I cannot do.
- you are something serious you know.
- well I'm heading out I'll see you tomorrow y/n.
- yes sir.
- tomorrow, what is happening tomorrow?
- we are going to the beach sir?
- ah, well have fun since good ole dad has to work to take care of her.
- dad please he doesn't need to know that.
- is ok y/n, my dad is just like him.
- good night young man please watch over her for me.
- I will sir.
- I'll hold you to it.
He said vowing biding his good night.
- sorry about that Jungkook, he is an amazing dad but too dramatic sometimes.
- is ok y/n I promise my dad is the same way.
- woah, vampires are dramatic too even more than yours, he always tell me whenever I go out the door, please be careful we don't need anyone to know who you are, so keep your calm at all times.
- (laughing heartily) that's not funny Jungkook.
- well if it isn't then why are you laughing then?
- because you sound funny.
- well that's the way he sounds.
- nooo, stop your dad is going to hate me and he doesn't even know me.
- don't worry me and my mother make fun of him when we are with him at home.
- woah, you are just too much.
- well is my time to head home, but before I would like to have your phone number, if it's possible that is.
- that can be arranged sir.
He was going insane with the way her eyelashes fluttered every time she looked at him.
- here type your number quickly please so I can head home before your father comes back out here to kick me out.
- you don't have to worry about that Jungkook because he likes you already, so you won't have problems with him.
- oh that's a relief.
She typed her number in his phone then gave it back.
- well I'll see you tomorrow.
- what time will you be here?
- I don't sleep so whatever time you wake up I guess.
- well, how about you text me so I can have your number?, that way I can text you as soon as I wake up in the morning.
- I will, I'll let you know when I get home then.
He said shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked to his car, she stayed on the porch just staring at him as he got in his car, before he pulled up he lowered his window.
- get in please.
- I am.
- sleep tight.
- thank you.
She said before going in the house.
- why me?
She said as she walked in the house all the way to her room, her dad was gone to sleep since he had to go to work early.
- he is a dream man...
She thought while getting ready to shower.
- but I'm not ready for another relationship right now.
Jungkook made it home after a twenty minute drive parking on the driveway quickly getting inside.
- where have you been young man?
His mother's voice was heard through the first level of the house.
- I was out with a friend mom, why is necessary go through this every night?
- because I was worried Jungkook.
- mom I'm fine, after the game I went to get coffee with a friend, took her home and now I'm home.
- a girlfriend?
- no a girl... friend, we are going to the beach tomorrow so you know.
- aren't you afraid that she finds out?
- she knows already mom.
- what, you told her just like that?
- yes I did.
- why son, how do you know you can trust her?
- because I know, because I didn't feel any kind of change in her when I told her.
- I hope you are right son.
- I have no shadow of doubt, I have been observing her since she joined the cheerleading squad, her pure heart came to check up on me tonight because the ball hit my shoulder so she thought I was badly hurt.
- well still be careful son.
- I will mom please stop worrying.

In the morning y/n woke up, then looked at the time

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In the morning y/n woke up, then looked at the time.
- is that late OMO.
She said jumping out of the bed.
- let me text Jungkook really quickly before I go get ready.
She said reaching for her phone, after sending the text she walked in the bathroom.
- well that's my bat signal.
He said happily getting in his car making his way to her house.
- why am I excited?
He wondered.
Meanwhile she was packing up the necessary items needed.
- extra sunblock.
She said throwing two in her bag, hat, glasses, extra clothes.
He made it to her house, she was in the kitchen trying to make something quick to eat when he knocked the door.
- coming.
She opened the door for him.
- come on in.
- is your dad home?
- no, he is gone to work, are you scared of him?
- ah no, I just respect him.
- are we in a rush?
- no why?, we have all day.
- hungry?
- always..
- do you drink blood?
- yes artificial blood.
- what?
- my dad created a recipe that tastes just like the real deal.
- is your father a scientist?
- he is, he works in a lab run by his family, they needed to find a way for us to survive in the human world without having to kill any living being.
- that's amazing, how come you can eat human food?
- I taught myself how to tolerate it.
- really, was it hard?
- at the beginning it was, I couldn't hold it down but I didn't give up, but I still drink the blood my dad manufactures, as many times as I need in the week.
- you are so strong Jungkook.
- determined.
- how about the sunlight?, because we are going to the beach.
- the highest spf on the sunblock, surfing gear helps too, caps, stay under the sun but not abuse it.
- we could go somewhere else Jungkook if you want.
- no I want to go surfing.
- ok then, here then breakfast.
She said placing a glass in front of him.
- what is this?
- my special breakfast, taste it you will like it.
- it won't make me sick right?
- of course not Jungkook, I would never do that to you.
- I know it was a joke y/n.
He assured her before chugging the shake that she had prepared.
- mhmmm it was delicious.
- really, that's a first.
- why?
- I have made it for my father before but he didn't like the flavor.
- well I liked it, what's in it?
- Apple, bananas, spinach, beets, almond milk, some coffee creamer.
- woah, you are genius my friend, I will look forward to more delicious food coming from your hands.

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