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- I'm fine sir, so don't worry about me.
- what?
- I said do not worry about me.
- you must have lost your pretty little mind y/n.
- (giggles)
They were in their own world until she noticed a slight change in his facial expression.
- what's the matter big guy?
- there is someone coming.
- here?
He nodded before the doorbell rang.
- who can it be?
- is them again darling.
- what, are they coming here for you again?
- yes they are.
He said trying to move out of the bed.
- what are you going to do?
- open the door, what else?
- nooo, Jungkook don't open it they will hurt you again.
- they won't darling relax.
- no please baby, don't open the door.
She begged while hugging him tight.
- y/n, do you trust me?
- I do but I don't trust them baby.
- (sigh) you haven't forgot who I am, have you darling?
He finally managed to get himself free from her grasp, walking to the door, she was behind him.
Jungkook finally opening the door, to find probably a half of a dozen of men dressed all in black suits outside his door.
- good evening, how can we help you?
- are you Jeon Jungkook?
- yes I am, who wants to know?
- we are government agents, we would ask you to please come with us.
- why if may I know the reason?
- we will ask you nicely to come with us.
- he is not going anywhere, get out of here.
Y/n spoke up as she stood up in front of him blocking their way.
- miss please be kind and stay out of this.
- how would I? You are here at our place trying to take my boyfriend away.
- we are just trying to make sure that...
- what do you want with my son?
The man statement was cut short by a deeper voice.
- father, what are you doing here?
- I'm going to make sure that these people stop bothering you once and for all.
His father said as he walked beside the men.
- who are you sir?
- I'm his father, a father who isn't very happy about what you people have been doing to my son.
- we have intel that your son is not human.
- what are you going to gain if he is or not, a medal, or a good spot in the senate?
- well no, but he should not be around humans if he isn't.
- people like you should not be amongst humans, leave my son alone, don't bring things upon you that you would not be able to handle well human.
- sir...
- don't sir me, you are messing with the wrong person, have you heard anything about him causing any kind of trouble?, he is part of the national baseball team, have any of his teammates ever said anything about him hurting anyone?
- well no sir but...
- but what!!!?
Mr. Jeon had enough of the men trying to make up excuses to take Jungkook with them.
- I warn you one last time, leave before you start something that won't end up well for you guys.
He said standing right in front of Jungkook and y/n covering them from their eyes.
- dad please stop is ok, I'll go with them, we don't need these kind of situations.
- if I let them take you, your mother will rip me to pieces Jungkook.
- aigoo, momma.
- I won't let them take you either Jungkook, it will break my heart if something happens to you.
Y/n's voice was heard amongst all the taking.
- you heard your friend, do you know how disrupt she was when they had you captive in the glass prison?
- I need all of you to step away from him.
The leader said once more.
- now you are trespassing, this is his place, so leave, your president won't be happy to know what are you doing, our peaceful agreement will come to an awful end.
- our president? Does he know about his kind walking freely amongst us.
- of course he knows, we would never be here if we hadn't been invited.
- I doubt the president knows that you guys are here.
- are you calling me a liar young man? I am older than you, I don't allow him to talk to me like that nevertheless you.
Mr. Jeon said letting his eyes glow red, making them flinch with fear.
- woah, he is one too.
- are you dumb, where do you think he comes from? Me, I am his father, so obviously I am like him or he is like me.
- and me.
His mother showed up accompanied from Jungkook's uncle.
- ok, now is a party.
- father please let's not do this.
- Jungkook, if he doesn't do anything about I will.
His mother said.
- get back.
- baby, what's happening?
Y/n said holding onto him tightly.
- this has gotten out of hand baby.
- does she know what he is?
One of the men asked pointing at y/n.
- of course she knows from the first night I met her, that's how much I love her.
- things like you are capable of love?
- he is the most loving man in this world.
- man (scoffed)
- well I'm done with this situation, I'm bored, call the president, tell him that he is about to lose a lot.
Jungkook's uncle said to his brother.
- I am on it.
Mr. Jeon said pulling his phone out.


- hello old friend, it has been quite a while.
- hello old friend I can say it has.
- what I owe the pleasure of this call?
- I have a situation here with some of your guys, they have been harassing my son for the past few months, while coming back to Seoul they stopped the bus where him and the baseball team were riding, taking him in custody, they locked him up in a glass capsule where they kept him for weeks, I waited patiently but I couldn't take it anymore so I got him out, now here we are weeks later, and they are back to harass him, they showed up at his door, wanting to take him with them again.
- I see, put me on speakerphone.
- you are on speaker.
- who is bothering Jeon's son?
- sir, is us.
- Kim, who told you to do something like this?
- I have info that his some is not human, did you know about this sir?
- of course I knew, I'm the president, I known everything that's going on in my country.
- and you are allowing these monsters to walk around us freely?
- first of, who are you to questioning my decisions?, second what are they doing to you, are they bothering you, are they causing trouble that I need to know about?
- no sir but, don't you think that they could lose control at some point and hurt someone.
- I have been around this man for years and I have yet to seen him mad.
Y/n spoke up once again.

- baby, I'm glad you believe in me that much.
Jungkook said tightening his arm around her.
- back to the subject, if you don't want to lose our monetary contribution to your society, we pay our dues to be here on this country.
- I know friend don't worry about anything, I'll handle this for you, Kim take your men and retrieve, I'll see you tomorrow early in my office.
- but sir...
- do I have to repeat myself Kim, do you want to lose your job?
- no sir, I just want to make sure that our country is safe that's all.
- if you and your men don't leave right now this young man's place, so help me you all will be jobless tomorrow morning, is my last word Kim, also I will let them do whatever they want with all of you.
- let's go guys, obviously we aren't going to win this battle.
He said before all of them walked to the elevator.
- I'm sorry about this old friend, I guess they are new people that they haven't being given the speech about vampires living freely amongst us, I trusted you from the beginning since I met you, money or not, you have kept your words after all these years, I don't think you will start breaking our agreement right now.
- I won't intent to but if they dare to hurt my son again, hell will come down on them that's how I feel, but I trust you friend.
- I'm glad to hear that friend, we have to go for a drink soon.
- I'll hold you to it so let me know whenever you have free time, mister president.
- I will friend, take care.
- you as well rascal.
They laughed loudly before hanging up.

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