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- Seonghwa call 119 now.
Jungkook said before flying out of the car.
- what's going in on Gguk?
- do it please!!!
Seonghwa got busy calling the police, Jungkook opened the door, letting his acute hearing guide him.
- I'm going to end him.
Jungkook ran up the stairs, into her room, his eyes landed on Geonhak's hands wrapped around y/n's neck setting him off.
He moved faster than what he thought, reaching the spot, hand reaching for Geonhak's hair getting a handful of it.
- you motherfucker...
Jungkook's voice was an inhuman growl, as he spoke up, feeling something worst than anger running through his immortal body.

Y/n had her eyes closed until she heard Jungkook's voice.
- Jungkook... you came.
She said in a mere whisper.
- you know I will always come for you baby.
He grabbed Geonhak by his hair dragging him out of the room.
- let go you asshole!!!
Geonhak demanded while he tried without any success to free himself from Jungkook's lethal grasp.
- I'll be back baby, I'm going to have a conversation with this then take this trash where it belongs.
Jungkook said before he dragged Geonhak down the steps.
- do you think that you could take advantage because I wasn't around, huh?
He said slapping him across the face with force leaving his hand print on his cheek.
- ahhh, that fucking hurt!!!
- that's how she feels bitch, but I'm going to give you a taste of what you did to her.
- let go you fucking monster!!!
- you don't have the rights to demand anything bitch.
He said slapping him a few times, it wasn't long when the police arrived.
After calling the police Seonghwa ran inside wanting to help Jungkook.
- Gguk, is there something I can help you with?
- go check on her please while I deal with this piece of shit.
- of course bruh.

Seonghwa sprinted up the stairs looking for y/n

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Seonghwa sprinted up the stairs
looking for y/n.
- y/n?
He called, she heard his voice.
- Hwa, is that you?
- yes, are you ok, can I come in?. Jungkook told me to check on you.
- yes I got dressed already so you can come in.
He walked in the room, his heart shrugged when he saw her face, making his bad side stirred up as well wanting to go back downstairs to kick Geonhak's ass as well for doing this to her.
- are you ok, can I come closer?
Seonghwa hesitated not wanting to stress her out more.
- you can, where is Kook?
- downstairs with the police.
- the police?
- yes when we pulled up to your house he told me to call 119, at first I didn't understand what he was talking about but now I know why, he said he had a bad feeling when we were riding up here, that fucker, I want to give him a few slaps as well.
- is ok Hwa, I'm pretty sure Jungkook already did that.
- oh he did, I saw his handprints on the bastard's face.
- oh my god, did he go to far?
- no that bastard went too far, so he got what he deserved, shit he deserves more than that but the police showed up.
- he wanted to force me to have sex with him, I was changing my clothes when he came up here, I told him to get out, so he hit me.
- why was he here?
- because I'm stupid and I don't learn if is not the hard way.
- don't worry about that now, we need to take you to the hospital to get you taken care of.
Jungkook was telling the police what happened when y/n came back downstairs backing up Jungkook's statement showing them the bruises, her lips, also the marks of his finger around his neck, Jungkook told them that he had slapped him too because it wasn't the first time that he beat her, the officers praise him instead of charging him too.
- darling...
- Jungkook...
She threw herself in his arms.
- I'm sorry it's my fault, I'm so stupid,
I let him feed me lies and I believed him.
- shhh, let's worry about your well being right now, let's get you to the hospital so you can get checked up.
- no Kook it's embarrassing.
- is not embarrassing darling, we need you to get checked by the doctors.
- he is right y/n.
- ok, let's go then.
- thank you Hwa.
- no problem y/n.
- I know you are tired Hwa, I'll take it from here thank you for backing me up.
- shut up idiot.
He said hugging him.
- she is my friend too.
- I know, go home and get some rest.
- you need rest too.
- I'll be fine.
Seonghwa bid his goodbyes before getting in his car.
- Jungkook...
- is ok baby.
He said holding her tight.
- he wanted to force me to have sex with him.
- don't tell me more because I'll go where he is at and punch him until his insides come out though his mouth, you know I can.
- I know but you aren't like that Kook.
- I might not be but what I witnessed woke up anger in me, a kind of anger that I have never felt before darling.
- I love you so much, thank you for coming when you did.
- I felt it darling, I told Seonghwa to speed up because I was feeling your pain your distress and I wanted to kill him.
- no please don't talk about killing that's not the Jungkook I know and love, he is love that's all he can give.
- darling you have in image of me that isn't the real me but I'll take it, and to you all I can give is love, because I love you with my non existent heart.
They took off heading to the hospital, once there they got close to the nurse station, where Jungkook allowed y/n to speak, she explained what happened to the nurse, who looked at Jungkook, she didn't look very happy, he knew what she what's thinking but didn't let it bother him, while they were waiting security show up, the nurse pointed at Jungkook, who stood up right away.
The security guards walked up to Jungkook wanting to take him so the police could come and arrest him.
- what are you doing?
He asked while they tried to grab his arm, y/n was confused at what was going on.
- what are you doing leave him alone?
Y/n spoke up.
- don't worry miss we will make sure that he doesn't hurt you again.
- stop, he isn't the one that did this to me, he already got taken by the police, let him gooo!!!
Y/n raised her voice pushing the security guard away from Jungkook.
- why don't you ask before jumping into conclusions?
Jungkook said yanking his arm off looking at the nurse.
- that was directed to you lady.
He pointed at the nurse behind the counter.
- let's go to another hospital.
She said pulling his arm.
- no, you need care now, please stop this madness and take care of her.
He almost begged them.
- take her to the back now.
A doctor that was passing through witnessed the scene, and gave them the order.
- I will talk with you later miss Williams.
- yes doctor Jung.
- come on miss.
He told y/n ushering her inside.
- him too please.
- he can't come back here but as soon we put you in a room I'll come get him, you have my word.
The doctor told her.
- go darling, I'll be out here waiting for him to come and get me.
- please don't leave...
She said reaching to hug him before walking away.
- I'm not going anywhere love I promise.
He sat down to wait, the wait was an eternity and he knows about an eternity, but he could feel her, she was being patched up, taking care off, after a few long hours the doctor walked back to where Jungkook was.
- hello Mr...
- Jungkook is fine.
- Jungkook then, I came to get you as I promised the young lady.
- is she alright?
- we patched her up, now she is in a room, I took some X-rays just to make sure that there isn't anything broken on the inside.
- can I see her?
- of course you can, she is asleep though, she was exhausted from what she had been through, she told me a few things but nothing in detail.
- well I'm a quick recap, she was dating this bastard that hit her and hurt her, but today was his last time putting a hand on her.
- well if you took care of that, I commend you for doing that, she should be dating you for what I can see.
- we are only best friends.
- there is one short bridge between being friends and a couple.
The doctor said as he began walking, Jungkook got caught up by his words as he followed him.

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