Chapter 44: The Lies We Tell

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The friction of the wooden match against the coarse surface created a bursting flame that Tubbo held in his fingertips, a sprightly grin spread from ear to ear. He held the flame under the firework rocket, quickly prancing away as he eagerly anticipated the glorious displays of colors. As the flame reached the end of the fuse, the firework shot into the sky, bursting out into a vibrant explosion. The loud bang startled him at first causing him to stumble backward, but what followed made him tingle with sheer excitement.

After days of hard work in such a short time span, Tubbo could finally sit back and enjoy the festivities. People came flooding in left and right from all corners of town just to experience the entertainment Manberg had to offer. For the first time since Schlatt's inauguration, his home looked truly beautiful. Streamers were wrapped along every post, banners and flags draping from any ledge and railing. Gleaming lights were strung above the stage, illuminating the only eyesore in sight. Schlatt had ordered a throne to be constructed in the center of the stage to overlook the day's events. Tubbo still believed the idea was gaudy and showoff-ish, but past experience taught him complaining was of no use.

He faced his wristwatch toward him, checking the time. Everything appeared to be going according to schedule, which meant he would not be hearing any complaints from his boss. Giving a sigh of relief, he began to make his way up to the stage before his phone rang. Praying it wasn't Schlatt, he removed the device from his pocket and read the display message. To his surprise, it was Tommy. "Hello?" Tubbo answered through his thick accent, cringing at the rustling at the other end of the call.

"Tubbo, I need you to listen to me. I don't have enough time to explain but you have to do exactly as I say!"

Distressed, Tubbo darted to a corner to ensure their conversation was totally private. "Why? What's going on, are you alright?" The desperation lurking within Tommy's voice caused him to panic- something was clearly wrong.

"It's Wilbur," Tommy explained while seemingly trying to catch his breath, "He's going to detonate the whole place after you give your speech!"

Tubbo's hand lost all grip, almost dropping the phone at his words. "He's what?!" The brunette shrieked, unable to believe what he was hearing. Not only was he shocked at the news, but he was even more surprised that this was all becoming relevant to him moments before the event took place.

"I've tried to stop him, but it was no use. He's deadset on this." The tone in Tommy's voice shifted from fear into one of determination. This festival had gone from a holiday to a mission in a matter of seconds, and the fate of his life now rested in the palms of Wilbur Soot. Given recent events, he would rather that responsibility be given to a complete stranger.

"At the end of your speech, I need you to signal us with the cue line 'let the festival begin.' After those words, you will have three minutes to get the fuck out of there, do you understand?"

Tubbo cradled the phone between his shoulder and his ear as he modified his speech flashcards, ensuring he would not mess things up. At less than a moment's notice, things had changed drastically. He had to do everything correctly, or else many would die at the expense of his errors.

"I understand."


Wilbur and Tommy each slung weapons and other goods into each other's bags, preparing for the lethal task that lay in their path. The blonde knelt on the ground, forcefully zipping his bag as he slung his wooden bow over his right shoulder. Wilbur was perched over Tommy, watching with careful eyes as he gathered the last of his things.

"I will plea to you one last time, Tommy," he sighed, his voice aching with exhaustion. "You don't have to agree with me, all I ask is that you respect my decision."

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