Chapter 61: Theseus

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tw: mentioning of suicide

Tommy couldn't move. His body was paralyzed with fear as if he was in some kind of trance. He couldn't bring himself to tear his gaze away from the impending chaos about to unfurl before his very eyes. A grip tightened around his shoulders, forcefully jolting him back to the present as his scattered thoughts snapped into razor-sharp focus.

"Tommy!" Tubbo shouted at the top of his lungs, ripping his body out of the crossfire as the Wither launched a volley of firey skulls in his direction, transforming the ground he once stood on into a roaring inferno. Tommy's heart thundered in his chest as he lunged towards a pile of weapons strewn on the ground, snatching a gleaming netherite sword and shield as his adrenaline coursed like a torrent through his veins. With a surge of determination, Tommy sprinted with every ounce of strength he possessed, hurtling toward the monstrous abomination. He swung his blade fiercely, pouring every ounce of his being into the strikes, each blow resonating with a desperate cry.

Meanwhile, Fundy swiftly seized spare firework rockets, meticulously loading them into his crossbow. With a warning that reverberated through the battlefield, he released the rockets, charging toward the Wither with uncanny precision. "Look out!" he shouted in a panic, a primal mix of urgency and determination. Time seemed to compress into a fleeting instant as Tommy instinctively threw himself to the side, tumbling and rolling to evade the imminent danger. 

Explosions erupted in a dazzling array of colors, illuminating the tumultuous battleground. Yet, to their dismay, a crackling electric blue forcefield materialized around the Wither, repelling the fireworks with contemptuous ease. A terrible shockwave rippled through the air, reverberating across the battlefield.

"Fuck!" Tommy's anguished cry tore through the chaos, his body propelled backward by the explosive blast. He crashed violently onto the ground, the impact stealing his breath for a disorienting moment. With gritted teeth and determination blazing in his eyes, he fought against the pain, struggling to rise to his feet. His fingers tightened around the hilt of his sword, a lifeline that fueled his resolve to press on.

In a fury-driven charge, Quackity lunged at Techno, his sword cleaving through the air with vengeful intent. Techno responded with a chilling swiftness, drawing his own blade from its sheath and intercepting Quackity's furious onslaught. The clash of their weapons reverberated through the night, a symphony of steel upon steel, each clash a declaration of their unyielding wills. 

Meanwhile, Tubbo's voice pierced the chaos, a rallying cry against the odds. His sword became an extension of his determination as he lunged at the base of the Wither's spine. With a swift and precise strike, he cleaved through the center, severing the tailbone with a resounding impact. "Keep going!" Tubbo's voice resounded with unwavering conviction, his eyes locked on the weakened target. "It's weak! Just a few more strikes and we can bring it down!"

Tommy's efforts to get to his feet proved futile as he remained sprawled on the unforgiving ground, pain coursing through his body. He lay there, his form a testament to the torment he endured, fingers tightly clutching the sword as he gazed up at the expansive night sky. Time seemed to stretch endlessly as he lost himself in the vast expanse above. As he gazed heavenward, Tommy laid his eyes on an array of stars strung into a C shape- the Corona Borealis.

Its gentle glow beckoned him, a fleeting respite from the relentless turmoil surrounding him. For a brief, precious moment, Tommy found solace, a sanctuary amidst the chaos. But the tranquility was short-lived, as reality crashed back upon him with ruthless force, shattering the fleeting escape of dissociation. The battle roared on, demanding his unwavering focus as he was ripped away from the fragile peace he briefly savored. 

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