Just a Few Too Many

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howdy there
well thank ya for almost 700 reads
Summary: Eddie gets drunk at Steve's party
Warnings: alchohol
alrighty well yeehaw I didn't proofread sorry
  It took a lot of convincing from Steve to get you to come to another one of his infamous parties. And yes, even out of Highschool he was still having them. He begged you and Eddie to come. Saying things like "you won't regret it" and "the more the merrier".
   Eddie was skeptical at first, but Steve suckered him right in eventually. You on the other hand knew what Steve's parties meant. Too many drunks, high people, and sweaty bodies crowded into one house. To say you weren't fond of it was an understatement.
  But here you were, at Steve's house on a Friday night, with music to make your ears bleed, and so many different smells you could pass out. Eddie had gotten dragged off into the crowd by Steve almost as soon as you got inside . Steve yelled a "We'll be riiiight back!"
     It's been well over forty minutes now, and Eddie hasn't come "right back". You were struggling to stumble through all the dancing people in search of Eddie, when you felt a pair of hands cover your eyes. You gasped.
"Guesssssssss whooooo"
You reached up and felt the hands on your eyes. You recognized them immediately due to all of the large chunky rings covering his fingers. You tore his hands off your eyes and turned around in his arms, which he now had slung around your waist.
"Eddie? Thank god, I've been looking everywhere-"
You stopped talking. Eddie had this really weird relaxed face on and smelled strongly of alcohol.
You frowned at him.
"What princesssssss?" He drug out.
"Edward Munsen what on earth were you doing when you are gone?"
"Haha Edward. Thasssss a funnneee name." He giggled.
You sighed and grabbed his face. "That's your name, dingus. Now how many drinks did you have with Steve over there, hm?"
He looked up at the ceiling and starting silently counting. He then looked back down at you and smirked.
"Only like, *hiccup* six or seven."
Your mouth dropped open.
"Eds! You already had two before we even got to this damn party! That makes, like, nine drinks!" You scorned him.
He grabbed your hands on the side of his face.
"Nooo itsss fine. I'm still Eddieeee silly. Hey your reeeeeelllyyyy pretttty ya know thatatt."
You sighed and grabbed one of his hands and dragged him towards the door as he stumbled through the crowd.
"Noooo I don't wanna go home!" He whined.
"Too bad, you need some rest and a shit ton of ibuprofen baby."
He continued to whine behind you, but was stopped short when his hips smashed into a banister. He looked up at you sheepishly.
When you finally got him in the van, you stuffed him into the passenger seat.
"Eds, give me the keys."
He looked at you confused.
"Keys? What keysssss? The ones to the houssssseeee?"
You started patting down his jacket and pants. You groaned when everything turned up empty.
"I'll be right back. Do NOT move okay?"
"Oki dokieeeee" He smiled drunkenly at you
You rushed through the house again quickly. You scoured every inch of the place looking for Eddie's keys. After about fifteen minutes of angrily searching, you finally found them sitting under a solo cup on the kitchen counter. You snatched them up and sprinted out of the house and to the van.
When you slid into the driver seat, Eddie was fast asleep with his cheek lazily pressed against the window. You chuckled and started the car to drive home.
When the headlights shone over Eddie's trailer. You stopped the car and turned to Eddie to shake his shoulder.
"Eds? We're at home okay? Let's get you to bed."
He just nodded and opened the passenger door on his own. But he full on fell out of the seat.
"Oh my god!" You hopped out of the car and rushed over to his side. Eddie was laying on the ground laughing hysterically at himself.
"Jesus Eddie don't do that." You crossed your arms angrily.
He kept on laughing all the way into the house. When you reached his bedroom, you guided him down onto the bed. He fell right over onto his pillow.
He looked up at you and made grabby hands towards you.
"My head hurts and I waaaant you." He whined
"We'll that's what happens when you have nine drinks baby. I'm gonna get ready and then I'll get in bed ok?"
He made a pouty face and crossed his arms.
You quickly got ready for bed, constantly assuring Eddie you would be out soon. He kept asking for you to come out a cuddle. When you finally walked out, he was already asleep. You shook your head and laughed quietly at him.
You slipped under the covers when Eddie suddenly aggressively flipped over to face you on the bed.
"Trickeddd you hahah."
"Oh yeah I was completely fooled." You said sarcastically.
He inched over to you and put his head right next to yours.
"Your ssssssooooo pretttyyy."
"Thank you Eds, now go to sleep okay?"
He nodded and closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him.
It was so peaceful now, but tomorrow he was going to be a little bitch about his hangover.
practically falling asleep while writing this hope it didn't suck
also sorry it was a shorter one :/

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