Chapter: 1

17 0 3

Pov: Bill

"William! Wake up!"

Bill let out a groan and rolled over to the side of his bed. If he was being honest with himself he really didn't want to get up.
Today was the day he was being forced to go to some summer camp outside of town.
His mom and dad thought it would be good for him to get out of town for a while, try to make some friends and take a breather or something.
Ever since Georgie's disappearance, Bill's whole family has been on edge. All Bill wanted to do was to keep looking for Georgie, not go to some stupid summer camp, so what if he didn't have any friends? It's been almost a month since his little brother went missing.

Bill kept his eyes closed dreading to open them. He knows he won't be able to stall for much longer.

As if on cue Bill's eyes shot open to the sound of his bedroom door opening- snapping him out of his thoughts.
"Billy, We need to get going or you're going to be late" his mom said standing in the doorway looking at him frustrated with tired eyes.
"S-s-sorry, I'll be down in ... in a minute"
She sighed "I'll be in the car, hurry up ... please" with that she shut his door and left.

Bill got out of bed and grabbed a random white shirt and pair of jeans and slipped into the bathroom to change.
When done he rushed to grab his bags and ran downstairs making sure not to forget to grab his favorite denim jacket and put on his pair of white tennis shoes waiting by the door on the way out.

"Ready?" His mom said from the driver's seat looking over at him. Bill nodded and put his bags in the back seat before sitting up front.
He sighed as he looked out the window. It had been almost two months since his family moved to Derry Maine but Bill couldn't help but miss Indiana.
They passed a tree with missing children posters stapled to it ... one of them being of Georgie.

"We'll find him..." His mom tried to reassure him, Bill looked over at her and gave a sad smile.


"Welcome to Camp Knowhere!" Who the hell thought that would be a good camp name? Bill thought to himself as the camp counselor continued introducing himself.
"My name's Eddie Munson, I'm one of the head counselors''

Eddie looked nothing like a stereotypical camp counselor, he reminded Bill of a vampire.
His long, ratty, and dark brown hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. His outfit hardly passed off as "summer clothes" ripped skinny jeans, doc martens, and a black and white shirt with the words "Hellfire Club" written across it. Pulling the look together was a leather jacket covered with pins and patches.

Next to him was a slightly shorter man who Eddie introduced as Steve Harrington.
Steve was one of the lifeguards, on top of being the son of the owner.
Ah, so his dad would be the one responsible for the camp's shit name. Bill rolled his eyes and walked over to the sign-in sheet Eddie pointed to earlier during the introduction.
The girl sitting behind the table introduced herself as Chrissy, she explained how she was one of the other lifeguards along with Steve and told Bill how the cabins worked.

The camp was split into two different districts. One side held cabins of kids aged 10 - 13 and the other one being made up of 14 - 17-year-olds.

Bill looked at the list for the older camp kids and found his name listed under cabin number 5.
William Denbrough, Stanley Uris.

He thanked Chrissy before making his way to his cabin.
Taking a second to find his due to all the cabins looking identical, with faded numbers painted on the fronts.
Inside there were two twin beds on opposite sides of the room with a small side table and a lamp next to both, one large window at the back of the cabin, with blinds, opposite the front door.
To the left there was another door leading into a bathroom, and to the right two dressers.
Bill thought it kind of looked more like a glorified bedroom than a cabin.

He set his bags down on the bed to the right. He felt awkward not knowing what to do with himself.
Might as well be productive and put his stuff away as he anxiously waited for his roommate to show up.

He claimed the dresser closest to his bed and put in some of his clothes from his backpack.
When he got to the first duffel bag it was stuffed full of pillows and blankets on top was a framed photo of him and Georgie.

Bill picked up the photograph and turned around sliding his back against the side of his bed onto the wooden floorboards. Tears flooded his vision as he stared at his brother; he felt ashamed and angry.
Bill was stuck at a stupid summer camp in the middle of butt fuck nowhere! Guess the name makes sense after all.. instead, he could be looking for Georgie... His whole body shook, making his stomach turn.
He stood up carefully setting the photograph on the bedside table next to him.

When heard the front door knob turn his body was sent into panic mode.
He was desperately rubbing the tears from his eyes and trying to appear like he wasn't just having a breakdown on their cabin floor.

He silently laughed at himself for how pathetic he probably looks, what a great look for first impressions he told himself while mentally rolling his eyes at the thought.

A boy walked in carrying the same amount of bags Bill had.
The boy seemed almost frustrated but hid it when he noticed Bill standing red-eyed in the middle of the room.
"Oh hey, you're William right?" The other asked a bit awkwardly, Bill nodded then asked "N-need help?" Silently cursing himself for his stutter.
"Hm? yeah... thanks" he added as Bill took the duffle bag out of the worn out looking boy's hand and set it down on the unclaimed bed.

His roommate walked in after him, closing the door with his now free hand and set down his two other bags on the bed. "Names Stanley by the way but call me Stan" Stan said while turning towards Bill with his hand extended out.
"Nice to m-m-meet you Stan, You can call me B-B-Bill by the way" Bill said rather sheepishly, taking Stan's hand to shake it, taking the moment to look at Stan.

Stan had light brown curly short hair, long eyelashes paired with his brown eyes and fair skin with light freckles on upper his cheeks.
One of the most eye catching features Stan had was his dimples that complimented his smile.

Bill pulled his hand away blushing from how incredibly gay he sounded just now.

"We should get going," Stan said, turning towards the door catching Bill off guard "Huh?"
Stan stared at him giving him a confused smile "Did you forget about lunch or were you planning on hiding out here all day? pfft-"

Bill felt heat rise to the back of his neck "O-oh right...lunch" he totally wasn't going to hide in their cabin all day-
"Let's go then" Stan said, holding open the door for Bill.

Bill sighed, smiling.

This is going to be a long summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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