meeting gwen

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"the famous y/n!"

gwen pushes off the fence she was leaning on and skips towards you and finney.

"i've waited so long to properly meet you. finney goes on and on about you and  finally i run into you guys after school. like what was he thinking, not letting me meet you after all this time? gosh, its almost like he didn't want us to meet because he's afraid you'd like me more than him and become best friends-"

"gwen," finney warns.

"right. sorry. rambling again. just excited." gwen beams and you smile back. you liked her already. she had this warm energy about her.

"anyway, what's up?"

"heading back to yours if you don't mind," you say.

"homework," finney adds, nodding unconvincingly.

"sure, right, homework," gwen drawls, drawing quotation marks in the air. she scoffs. "real good lying there, finney. as if i don't hear you guys next door making smooching noises." she rolls her eyes.

"w-what, wait, you-" finney splutters, reddening.

"yeah. unfortunately. we do share a wall, you know."

"so i've been climbing through the window for no reason?" you ask incredulously.

"so much for keeping your little meetups a secret, finney," gwen comments.

"hey. it's all water under the bridge now!"

gwen turns her attention to you, swivelling her head.

"just so you know, finney talks about you. like, all the time."

"no i don't!" finney yells, swatting gwen's arm.

"oh yeah? what does he say?" you ask, curious, while giving finney a pointed look.

you liked that you were on his mind whenever you weren't together, and that he couldn't stop talking about you even if he tried.

"he says you're the most amazing girl he's ever met and he wishes-"

finney scrambles to put a palm over gwen's mouth.

"don't you dare," he hisses, and gwen grins.

"okay, you dork," she says, words muffled with finney's hand. he lets go.

"i hope you'll have dinner with us sometime," gwen says hopefully. "or maybe a movie night. wouldn't that be fun?"

"absolutely," you say. "i'd love that."

"what, i have to share my girlfriend now?" finney says. but he was glad you and gwen were already getting along well.

my girlfriend. you liked when he called you that.

"oohhh, someone's possessive," gwen says, nudging your arm. you laugh.

"your sister seems really fun," you say once you're in finney's room.

he smiles fondly. "yeah, she is. and an idiot, too, but i'd do anything for her."

you could really tell they had a special sibling bond, one that could never be broken. you wondered how you ended up with such a lovely boy, who was such a kind brother and an even kinder boyfriend.


gwen appreciation bc she's an icon 💌

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