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Y/N Y/L/N is a famous artist alongside her friend, Taylor Swift. They've been friends for how many years exchanging ideas on what to write next.

"You should write about Nat" she said as she continues writing songs for her next album.

Right now you're in the studio, fully isolated inside, with no windows and soundproofed walls. Just you, Taylor, and Jack. The three of you became friends after you helped Taylor write her first pop album and after that you became what the media calls "The Power Trio"

You've written a couple of lines and stopped when the ground is rumbling, you three looked into eachother and tried not to panic, earthquake is something you don't like since you were a kid. Especially after watching movies that have natural disasters on it.

"Y/N" Taylor looked at you, completely horrified and she pointed at your hands and you're slowly turning into dust, you grab your phone with your other hand and tried to dial Natasha's number but before you could press it, your phone created a loud thud and you're nowhere to be found.

It lasted for about five seconds and you're back inside the studio, some items are not there anymore. The studio is completely renovated and there's some new albums of your friend hanging on the wall same goes to the awards. A jingle of keys was heard and it was your friends, the last people you're with before you turned into ash.

"Y/N/N" Taylor tackled you into a hug and Jack is just there standing, his eyes wide like an owl.

"What happened?" You asked them, Taylor still clinging to you, wetting your sweater with her tears.

"You were gone for five years, Y/N" she cupped your face and studies you.

"God, you're really here" she hugs you again and they talked about what happened, news spread like wildfire and everyone that was "blipped" is now back.

Their face matured like a fine wine and yours is still the same as they last saw you. Then realisation hits you like a truck.

"Natasha" you whispered as you look for your phone, it's not in there.

"Tay, can I borrow your phone? I need to find Natasha."

They're just looking at you, not knowing how to tell you what happened.

"Can you help me find Tasha?" Taylor removed her eyes to you and looked at Jack with worried eyes.

"Y/N" he started and you let out a hum acknowledging that you're listening to him.

"Y/N, Natasha's gone"

"Clint called us because he didn't know you're also blipped" you chuckled.

"Nice joke, guys. Now please tell me where Natasha is"

They keep telling you that she's gone she can't be gone, you barged inside Fury's house like a professional spy causing the man with an eye patch drop his groceries.

"Where's Natasha?" He didn't answer any of your questions so you decided to find the place Tony was last seen meaning track his arc reactor.

"A cabin? Never thought Tony will finally settle in one place"

You shouted your friend's name but Pepper was the one who ran towards you.

"Y/N" she caressed your face and smiled at you, you felt someone tugging at your shirt and you found a little girl that definitely has Tony's eyes.

Pepper introduced you to the kid, Morgan Stark. Your niece, she played with you for a while before Pepper told you what happened and boy, you didn't take that well.

You went on a hiatus and everyone understand that, even the paparazzi that follows you before, now protects you from being seen on public and away from the other paparazzi that is stepping across the line. Your fans keeps sending you gifts and letters and you sent some replies to them telling that you're alright and improving but in reality you're not.

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