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Athena Rose Black was born May 29th, 1960 at 12:00 am on the dot. To The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. A family that is made up of Witches and Wizards who all attended the same school. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It's made up of four houses Slytherin for the Cunning, Gryffindor for the Brave, Ravenclaw for the Smart, and Hufflepuff for the Kind. The Black family is known for making it into Slytherin 9 times out of 10, but sometimes, sometimes it's very rare that they're sorted outside of Slytherin which causes them to get disowned.

Athena or Thena as most call her has one older brother Sirius Black who is a year older than her who absolutely adored her as much as a one year old could. Thena had 3 older cousins who couldn't wait to play dress up with her, Bellatrix(9), Andromeda(7), and Narcissa(5) and they also absolutely adored the newest member of their family. To them she was absolutely gorgeous being born with black/brown hair on the top of her hair, and beautiful striking Grey eyes like everyone in the black family has. She's perfect to them.

By the age she hit 6 months she was crawling and took her first steps at the mere age of 1 years old at her birthday party. Her parents Walburga and Orion Black ended up having one more child. Regulus Arcturus Black. He looked almost identical to his siblings but especially his big sister Athena with the Grey eyes and the black/brown hair along with nose and lips. They could be mistaken for twins and often was as they grew up since how close in age they are to each other. The 3 siblings grew up to be Bestfriends.

Athena growing up loving quidditch but hated playing it she would rather watch and play it. She loved playing with her cousins in dresses and stuff that they would do since being the only girl in a house was hard for her. Her brothers joined her in as much as they could but sometimes she would decline as she hated getting dirty as her mother would make her change her clothes and she hated changing clothes. She loved pranks as well and so do her oldest brother and that's where they bond the most at since they both enjoyed it.

She was a daddies girl through and through as her mother always scared her and her dad protected her from her mother as she did the best she could to protect her brothers from her mother and father. She knew they was always getting in trouble for stuff they did and she hated it. So she would always stop it and it would always work as her father wouldn't let her get hurt. At the age of 9 her father started telling her about things she has to do once she's of age that she always hated. It wasn't fair.

Once she hit the age of 10 one of her best friends left her but she wasn't confused at all she even got to see him off and got letter from him every other day. He told her all about Hogwarts and how beautiful it is along with his new friends that he've made there. He was sorted into Gryffindor for the Brave and she was proud of him. Knowing how badly he wanted to break tradition as he was always a rule breaker and she wanted to follow in his footsteps. Though she didn't agree with his friend choice.

By the age of 11 before they sent her off to Hogwarts with her older brother who was already in his second year and she sat with him and his friends as she looked around the compartment at the friends he have she sees 3 boys who is his age and 2 other girls who look to be about her age she starts to hesitantly speak "Hello I'm Athena Black." she tells them nervously not having many interactions with people she put her hand out to them and they all shook it. The first boy was tall. Really Really Tall.

He shook her hand as he basically towered over her since she was really short she was only 4'9 and this boy seems to be about her brother height who is 5'5 which is super tall for their age. "I'm Remus Lupin" she looks more at this Remus boy as she seen a lot of scars on his face she decided she wasn't gonna pry and realized she was staring and looked to the girl next to him. She looked to be 4"11 and she sits up a little bit "oh my God you're so pretty" she says calmly.

"I'm Nina Lupin that giants sister he's a year older than me I love quidditch can I hug you?" She ends up rambling out as Athena nods yes to the very pretty girl she had light brown hair that got a bit lighter as it came down which is kinda similar to her brothers along with the same eyes and she had a very pretty smile. "You know you're very pretty" she states to thena as she blushes at the compliment. "Thank you Nina" She reply's to the girl in front of her slowly moving to the next while laughing.

She hear the girl say "Imma call you thena okay?" She asks and thena just nods her head to her as her was of saying yes. The next person was another boy he was a bit chubby and very adorable and you could tell her was kinda shy he was a bit on the taller side but again shorter the the rest of the boys standing around 5'3. "Hello I'm Athena but you can call me thena" she told him reaching her hand out to him "h-hello thena" he stutters out to her shaking her hand as she smiles.

She felt good knowing they he said hello back as she looked to the person next to him and she immediately blushes at the sight of him. She knew exactly who this is as it's her brothers best friend James Potter. She never knew what he looked like but her brother tried to describe them the best he could but he was an understatement he was taller than her brother but shorter than Remus as she guessed Remus is 5'7 and her brother is 5'5 she's gonna assume this boy is 5'6 he has messy black hair and hazel eyes.

This boy is very attractive in her opinion very different from the boys at the ball her parents forces her to go to as she need to be prepared for when she has to get married. She hated the thought but complied to her parents wishes. This boys hazel eyes was pretty to her as she felt herself mesmerized by his looks thankfully she wasn't staring at him or else she would be very embarrassed more embarrassed then she already is. "Hello I'm James Potter" the boy says reaching out his hand to the girl. Which she shook in return.

"Hello James, I'm Athena" she tells him kindly as he bends his face down and kisses her hand "That's a very pretty name for a very pretty girl" he tells her as she pulls her hand away and blushes very hard. Out the corner of her eye she sees her brother glaring daggers at his best friend and decided to move on to the last girl "Hello I'm Athena" She tells the girl "Omg hiii I'm Evie Potter but you can call me Evs I'm the little sister of this big flirt right here. You are so pretty" she says.

Athena laughs slightly "hi Evs I'm Athena but you can call me Athena and you are just as pretty" She reply's not as fast as Evie had rushed out though. Evie had brown hair like her brothers but not as messy and she has hot pink strips in her hair but she stood around 4'10 she was very pretty. As Athena goes to sit down the Potter boy pulls her down in the empty sit next to him and Remus and she decides not to move and to talk to the two girls for the ride and she enjoys herself.

A/n: outside of the Authors note there is 1400 words so yayyy here yall go the prologue mwah.

Eat, Drink, and Sleep.

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Mwah have a good day.

Also if you want follow my tiktok and Insta: Jamessiree

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