Chapter 1.

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It's Athena's 5th year at Hogwarts and since that day on the train she has met amazing friends but she's always disliked her brothers friend except Remus but she never said anything as they aren't her friends and it has nothing to do with her.

She was well aware of the small crush she has on her brothers best friend but she still dislikes the fact that he doesn't like many Slytherins but as that isn't her friend she doesn't think that hard on it as his sister doesn't mind Slytherins and she's even friends with one. Aurelia Jones.

Aurelia Jones is a with pretty brown skin and eyes and brown straight-ish hair and her family is a very Prejudice pureblood family as is Sirius and Athena's but she was luckily sorted into Slytherin even though she hates it but she loves her friends that she does have. Athena and Evie are Proud Gryffindors and Nina is a Proud Ravenclaw and she loves them three so much.

Those three are best friends and do everything that they can together well that doesn't get the four girls in trouble, Athena Black, Aurelia Jones, Nina Lupin, Evie Potter. Athena is on her way to her class before she runs into her brothers best friend James Potter.

"Hey watch where you going." She mumbles while looking up but after she looks up she realizes who it is "Oh it's you, sorry." She rolls her eyes while he just nods "Hey it's a party you and the girls can come it's tonight in the common room." He tells her before walking off not letting her speak.

They don't have the best relationship as it's her brothers best friend and he keeps them far apart. Sirius doesn't trust them together thinking they're gonna end up sleeping together, so they stay away from each other, plus she knows of his huge crush on Lily Evans.

A red headed girl who she doesn't like and doesn't like her. Her brother also doesn't know of her crush on James.

Only a selected few knows of it like her 3 best friends and Remus Lupin. She finish running to classes and sits in her seat next to Evie right as the bell rung and she was thankful she wasn't late to class today. After she finished all her classes her and the girls all met up in her dorm and got ready.

Aurelia wore a Green crop top with a black skirt as the rest of the girls matched with Athena wearing a red one, Evie wearing a gold one and Nina wearing a Blue one all with black skirts and heels.

Once they get down to the parties they see the marauders in a circle sitting down playing spin the bottle with others including Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Alice Fortescue, Dorcas Meadows, Mary McDonald, Frank Longbottom and a few more people there.

They go and sit down and a couple rounds are played with Nina kissing Sirius, Evie and Remus end up kissing, Aurelia and Lily kissing, Mary ends kissing a boy named Alexander Claire who is a halfblood, Marlene kisses Dorcas, and Frank and Alice kiss.

Now it's Athena turn as she nervously spins the bottle hoping for one of her friends as she doesn't want to make out with anyone else in the group she doesn't know and as the bottle slows down she peeks one eye open to see who it lands on until it fully stops and lands.

She looks up to where it landed and sees James Potter and instantly closing her eyes again. She hears shuffling around them before someone tilts her head up and kisses her on the lips before sitting back down. She automatically knew it was James and started blushing hard and peeked from behind her hands to see the bottle spinning again.

She sighed quietly and removed her hands and watched the game. Playing rounds and rounds again and finally they finished playing so everyone left and got more drinks. Trying to remove the thought of James kissing her she got drunk.

She finally got up off the couch from sitting with Remus and got up to dance. A lot of people was dancing so she squeezed in and started dancing along with them.

Swaying to the music and having fun, she danced with the girls and she ended up singing and dancing with her brother. She stepped outside to get a breath of fresh air where she saw James. She wondered where he went as he had disappeared after she seen him getting some drinks.

"James are you okay?" She asked him while walking up to him leaning against the wall.

"Yeah I'm fine Thena" he said looking up while drinking some more of the bottle of fire whiskey.

A/n: Filler Chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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