Why it Has To Be You ?

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Kai walked into the building with a smile. He was smiling till his ears. Looking so happy as he greeted everyone he met.

Even the cleaners!!

Tao put his arm on Kai's shoulder,

"You looked extremely happy today...."

Then Sehun appeared from nowhere,

"Ready to meet her?" Sehun smiled.

Kai looked at Sehun. He was smiling again. Then he walked alone. In a smile, leaving Sehun and Tao at the middle of the lobby.

"He's really ........" Tao couldn't finish his words. Sehun patted his shoulder,

"I know what you were thinking,"

They were about to walk when they saw AA entered the building. She looked .... miserable?

Sehun quickly ran towards AA.

"ThungAh ththiii !!!!"

He hold AA's hand and jumped with joy. AA was startled when Sehun did that. She almost ran away. Tao walked towards them with a smile.

"Hi SungAh sshi,*wink*" Tao quickly put his arm on AA's shoulder.

AA was so confused.

What is happening here?

Sehun and Tao became like her bodyguard as they were on her side until she arrived at her practice room. AA was extremely blank.

"We're gonna drop you here, thee you at lunch ThungAh," Sehun waved his hand and walked towards EXO's practice room.

AA quickly grabbed Sehun's hand,

"Wae?" Sehun asked.

"What is going on?" AA asked.

Sehun looked confused. He looked at Tao.

"What do you mean, SungAh sshi?" Tao asked.

AA looked at their blank faces,

"You know what? Never mind ... Just go to your practice room," AA smiled.

She opened the door, "See you at lunch," she smiled, and closed the door.

Sehun and Tao looked at each other. Blankly. Then they walked towards their practice room quickly as they knew, they will be nagged by Kris hyung as the usuals for being late to practice.

AA smiled. She was happy to see Tao and Sehun, the very best boyfriends she ever had. She put her bag in her locker without noticing someone who was keep looking at her eversince she enters the room.

"Why are you so happy today?"

AA froze. She knew that voice. That very familiar voice. She quickly turned her head.

Junho smiled at AA with his eye-smile. AA couldn't hold her happiness and screamed in joy.


She quickly ran towards Junho. It's have been months that they didn't meet. Due to AA's schedule and Junho's.

"Waaaarghhhhhh !!! It's so good to see you, oppa!!!" AA shouted excitedly.

Junho laughed, "Me too, Sungi ... But, you don't really have to shout actually... "

"I cant help it !!!" AA shouted again.

Junho laughed again. This time he laughed very hard.

As them both were busy fangirling/fanboying over each other, Kai and Kyungsoo entered the room. Not really entered, but when they saw AA was busy talking excitedly with Junho, they stopped. AA who noticed them, smiled.

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