chapter 2

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Archer pov:

After some small talk between my father and otto, my father came to me and Crouch to my level.

Loid: hear me out y/n you will be going on to trip with this gentleman
He will take care of you so don't worry too much and don't cause him any trouble.

He smiled at me for the first time in the last 10 years. Hmmm, I don't like the fact that he is so happy with me leaving, suddenly a thought came to my mind.

Y/n:but what about mom does she know of this? I wanna say goodbye to her before I on the trip.

As soon as I said those words I saw the happiness drop from my father's face. into a nervous look.

Loid: don't worry about your mom she already knows.

He clearly didn't tell her.

Y/n: I see. I guess with should go then.

Otto: yes please follow me.
As I went outside with Otto there was a car that looked very expensive. otto opened the door for me.

After a few minutes on the road.....:

Well, this is awkward. I couldn't handle the silence anymore.

Y/n: so where are we going?

Otto: to where you can play with ice.
He was still treating me like a kid, I could keep the act but I need information

Y/n: I'm well aware of what you and my father talked about.

Otto: what do you mean by that?

Still acting ignores I see

Y/n: I know that my father never loved me but I didn't think he would sell me.

Otto: heh So you're smarter than you look yes correct but your father didn't sell you.
Y/n: what do you mean I heard you talking about taking me away?

Otto: he gave you away with the excuse that it is for humanity's sake.

Of course for the greater good everything is okay

Otto:well since you're aware. I guess I can tell you first let me tell you about the honkai

After a few minutes...:

Y/n: I see but what that gone do with me?

Otto: you see we need people to fight for us people who can resist the honkai so we can use them to their full the name of science of course

Y/n:you mean lab rats.

Otto looked surprised by this.

Otto:so you won't resist?

Y/n:what is the point of resisting there is nothing I can do in this situation.

I also managed to get the basic information about this world I won't trust Otto but befriending men of power would be helpful.

Otto:well I guess you won't mind what I am about to do.

Y/n: what do you mean?
Suddenly I felt sleepy this guy must have done something so I don't know where are we going hmmm, smart.

Much time later......:

I was here again in the land filled with swords, unlimited blade works however something was different I can't touch the swords they were in front of me but felt so far away from my reach I don't understand why but they are not gone, I just can't use them. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I was laying on the ground and above was a bright light forcing me to stand up when I looked around I realised that I was in a cell, and in the corner, another child was sitting holding her knees to her chest as I got closer I saw her appearance

fate/Impact:(EMIYA Male reader x honkai impact ) Where stories live. Discover now