chapter 5

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Sup I'm back so I think I got an idea of how to write a fighting scene hopefully it would be to your liking.

I also wanted to say that after thinking about it I'm going to stick to the plot with a few minor changes this is my first story after all I don't I'm capable of changing the plot and making it good.

And yes EMIYA would be able to trace divine keys, in the end, they were made by humans so I didn't give emiya a boost it's just something that even shirou can do.
With that said enjoy.


3rd pov

Steel crashed against steel in a shower of sparks. The air hissed and moaned. Heroic Spirit Emiya kept his eyes on the honkai Spears that sirin started shooting from the gates made by her herrcher power, archer dashed forward, charging at her first with a speed that no 10 years old boy should ever be allowed to possess. sirin seeing that Her attacks won't be able to reach him, she decided that she would end this battle she slowly raised her hand and pointed toward him a portal appeared in front of her hand and a spear similar to the ones before came out of the Portal, however, unlike the other Spears This didn't shoot toward emiya it's just started glowing with honkai energy as it kept charging to lunch a strong attack. Seeing this Archer's mind quieted and still. His ears rang and twitched. he was aware that sirin was trying to end the fight for the fact that His instinct was screaming at him to run away and hide. And his instinct was proven correct. As he barely had time to raise his arms into a defensive stance to block the enemy's attack at the last split-second.

The honkai blades clashed against the yellow honkai spear with an explosion of wind. The entire ground beneath archer's feet seemed to moan and tremble due to the oppressive shockwave. And yet, the boy did not falter even for a second, continuing to push forward and trying to pressure the spear with his strength alone. The boy who was once known as the man of tempered steel glared at the honkai spear gritting his teeth into a growl as he desperately pushed, and pushed, and pushed in order to deflect the spear away. And finally, with one last push, he was able to deflect the spear into the sky.

However not even a second and another spear was in front of him only a few inches between his face and the spear his mind's eye was warning him to dodge but it wasn't possible to dodge or block thanks to the power of the first spear although he was able to deflect it the first spear purpose wasn't to kill him it was to shatter his defence leaving him completely defenceless to sirin second attack.

However, just before the spear hit him in an explosion of wind another spear from behind passed archer's head and clashed with the honkai spear breaking the honkai spear with ease and falling in front of archer.


The sound of steps can be heard from behind archer as the women from earlier stand in front of archer taking out the spear from the ground and taking a defensive stance in front of archer and looking at sirin with a face that clearly showed her emotions and sympathy for sirin. she glanced at archer for a second before looking back at sirin and asking archer.

Cecilia: are you okay boy?

Archer: yeah

Said Archer in a low voice with a shocked expiration as if he saw a ghost.

Cecilia looked at the boy with a concerned look thinking that the reason for his current expiration is the fact that he almost died.

Cecilia:( poor boy. To experience the feeling of almost dying at such a young age must be scary) thought Cecilia to herself not knowing the real reason why archer was in such a state.

fate/Impact:(EMIYA Male reader x honkai impact ) Where stories live. Discover now