chapter 3

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So today is my birthday

I also managed to get vill-v bro she is hella broken all you need to do is Dodge and attack
F2p btw

Inside a lab, in the tower, we could see the scientists that were hired by Otto were looking at the boy in front of them in fear yet at the same time they were hungry for knowledge why was this boy so different from any kid they studied before? Every time they tried to penetrate his skin the driller stopped just before reaching the bones and the fact that he has 27 weak stigmas that act as a battery.

All of these questions were annoying but not the most annoying thing.

After all, the most annoying thing was the boy himself.

Y/n:come on guys how many times did we do this you always do the same thing over and over again the results are always the same. I mean you are a scientist you should know that trying the same thing over and over won't give different results. otto must have been pretty desperate to hire a bunch of idiots too. Wait minutes are you one of those?

All of the scientists there were losing it this boy doesn't act like a boy at all from the first day he was a pain in the ass all he does is talk shit to them, making it very hard to focus.
And as usual, the boy only gave them a shit-eating grin and today was no different from the other days.

Scientist: what do you mean we're one of those?

Y/n: oh you know those doctors who studied online classes and they think they are just as good as the doctors who actually studied in school.

Some doctors were pissed others were nervous and some just ignored his talk.

Doctor:you do realise that we can end your life if we wished?

Y/n: we both know very well you are not allowed to do that or otto will have your head delivered to your family. and giving them a fake conclusion, you are disposable, I'm not.
He said with the biggest smirk.

The doctor looked like he is about to lose his shit even vines were visible on his face.

Doctor: you little shit!!! how dare you.

Said the doctor while screaming he immediately grabbed a knife and shoved it into Y/N arm and singled to the other doctors to continue the tests

Time skip

In a cage, we see a boy with red hair covered in bandages talking to a girl with purple hair.

Sirin:why do you keep running your mouth like that they will just hurt you more when you provoke them like that you should take care of yourself more!!!!.

Y/N: I'm sorry it's a bad habit of mine.
I just think that letting them do as they please with us with no some type of hindrance is annoying.

Sirin:but then they will not only torture you but also take out their anger on you.

Y/N: sorry I won't do it again.

archer pov:

I looked at sirin who went to sleep after giving me an earning. what she said was true if I keep my mouth shut I would have an easier time with the doctors but of course, I do that for two reasons the main one is to make sure that they focus on me more than sirin and the second was just to make fun of them.

I don't know how long I have been here, I usually would have tried to escape it's not like it's the first time I had to escape from a place like this the only reason I have not done that is because of sirin I'm not the type to get attached and I lost the ability to feel sympathy long time ago after all killing babies was a part of being a counter guardian the reason I couldn't abandon sirin was that she was a splitting image of Ilya aside from look the sometimes Coky way of talking and the puppy eyes when she wants something.

I just couldn't leave her here.

Time skip:

The cage opened and one of the guards entered.

Y/N: oh it's time again let's see how much those doctors improved.

Guard: not you today is her turn.

Y/n:what did they give up on me not only are they failures as doctors but also lack resolve.

I tried provoking the guard but he just ignored me and walked toward sirin who looked scared she tried to resist but it was useless as the guard injected her with some type of sleeping liquid he picked her up and went to the door without even looking at me.
I could try to stop him but that useless
As he went away I was lost in thoughts without knowing what to do I went to sleep.

Time skip

I opened my eyes in surprise at the cell light was a red colour and there was an alarm going on in the background.

What the hell happened when I was asleep?
I looked outside the cage and saw that the doctors were running away from something one of the doctors fall the moment he tried getting up an arrow hit him in the head killing him.

I looked in the direction that arrow came from there was a girl with White hair and pale skin and was walking slowly. wait is this a zombie the doctors talked about sometimes
But that good now is the perfect time to escape. But how I'm supposed to open this cell I still can't use tracing.
As I was thinking about a solution I remembered something I didn't use for ages I slowly raised my hand in the air.

Y/n: trace...fractal
Suddenly about 20 swords shot out at the cell opening a small entrance enough for me to fit in.

(For those who don't know what trace fractal is it's tracing empty, swords that have no use only for intimidation
It was used once in fate's visual novel)

As I get out of the cell suddenly my mind's eye told me to duck I immediately bend an arrow flew by my head I looked at the same zombie that killed the doctor earlier shit I don't have a weapon trace fractal would be useless, but I can use it to get closer. with a plan in mind, I started running toward the zombie.

Trace fractal!!

Swords appeared around me and shot out at the zombie although they managed to hit her they only made her take a step back she tried to shoot me but another fractal sword hit her making her shoot in the wrong direction. With this opening, I slid between her legs and before she turned around I put my arms around her neck making her drop her bow and try to free herself while scratching at my hand making me bleed a bit.

I Brooke her neck as she falls to the ground I looked at the place where she scratch me I could see the small swords already healing it but that was not what confused me it was the mana I received when she managed to scratch me it was a small amount but enough to trace a normal sword.
Now, is not the time I  will figure it out later I should find sirin and get out of here. I wanted to trace a normal sword so I can at least fight back. but decided against it I want to keep the mana I reserved for emergencies I looked at the zombie corpse then at her bow

Y/n: Perfect.

I picked the bow. then I reinforce my ears I heard noises from the roof deciding that I should go up.

I started running toward the elevator with one goal in my mind.

Save sirin and escape from this lab.


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fate/Impact:(EMIYA Male reader x honkai impact ) Where stories live. Discover now