3. Psychopathic

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A few days later, Bad and Skeppy head to work. They clock in at 8 and sit at their desks to get to work. Skeppy says, "So what's on our schedule today?" Bad looks at their agenda saying, "Lots of paperwork actually." Skeppy sighs, "Guess we can't push it off forever, right?" Bad nods, "Yep, split it half and half?" Skeppy grins, "That's what partners are for." They separate different files, cases, documents, etc between the two of them. 

"Want some coffee?" Skeppy asked. Bad responds, "Yeah actually coffee sounds great right now." Skeppy asks, "How do you want it?" "Two sugar, no cream, thank you," Bad replied. Skeppy goes off to make coffee and comes back with two cups. He gives one cup to Bad and keeps the other for himself to sip on while working. The clock ticks by slowly as they try making a dent into the paperwork they've been stacked this week. 

Karl walks up to Bad's desk and says, "Lieutenant wants to see you two." Skeppy looks at the time, 11:30, almost time for their break. "Why?" Bad asked. Kale shrugs, "I don't know. He just told me to tell you." Skeppy says, "Why were you there?" Karl responds, "Quackity and I messed up again. Low-key scared we'll get fired, but the lieutenant is giving us cases again. So I think our chances are looking up. But yeah, he called for you two so just go in there." Bad and Skeppy get out of their seats and Skeppy says, "Hope you keep your job Karl." Karl smiles, "Thanks, me too." 

Bad and Skeppy walk towards the lieutenants office and Bad says, "I feel bad for those two because they mean well, but they are jokesters." Skeppy says, "Let's take them out to dinner one day to cheer them up or something. They might get fired." Bad says, "Hm I don't think that'll happen. This precinct could use more detectives, so why would we fire 1/3rd of our team?" "True," Skeppy replied. Sapnap and George stood in front of the lieutenant's door. Skeppy asks, "Why are the two of you here?" Sapnap says, "Quackity told us the lieutenant called for us. Why are you two here?" "Karl said he called for us," Bad responded. 

Bad and Sapnap knock on the lieutenant's door and he shouts, "Come in!" They walk in and the lieutenant says, "I'm glad Karl managed to listen to something I told him to do. Sit down guys." They all sit down in front of the lieutenant's desk and Bad says, "You called for us lieutenant Schlatt?" He nods, "Yes." George asks, "All of us?" Lieutenant says, "Yes. Sapnap and George, hand over the Nightmare case to Bad and Skeppy." Sapnap and George's eyes grow with bewilderment. 

George says, "Sorry sir, by this I mean no disrespect, but why are you handing our case to these two?" Lieutenant says, "Sapnap, George, you two have been on this case for almost a month and it's getting out of hand how this serial killer keeps getting away. I think the case needs a fresh pair of eyes, being Bad at Skeppy. So once you're out of here, get the files and documents together and hand it over to them." 

Sapnap exclaims, "Sir I don't think this is fair. We've been working on this case for a while because it's tough to crack, but I'm sure we're gonna get it soon." Lieutenant says, "I can't just keep going off what you say. The serial killer has been active for way too long and it's terrorizing the city. There are citizens on the streets, in their cars, in their own homes, scared that Nightmare will come to take their life." 

Bad says, "Sir, we'll take on the case. But I'm not sure how long it might take for us to crack it as well because I've seen the things on their desk and it doesn't seem easy. It might take us some time." Lieutenant says, "I know it's a hard case, but I believe you two will be able to solve it. You don't have to crack it all today because I know it's hard, but I'm giving you a chance here. I truly believe you two will be able to get it done sometime soon. And if you two solve this case, then there might even be a raise in the future for you two." 

Sapnap and George Groan in frustration. Skeppy says, "We won't let you down, we're on it right away." Lieutenant says, "I'm sure you two won't. Make sure to catch em. You all can leave now." As they're about to walk out of the room, the lieutenant says, "Oh, Bad and Skeppy, give some of your paperwork to Karl and Quackity. I saw the workload on your desk, but I think your focus should go towards this Nightmare case right now, let them take care of some of that paperwork." Bad and Skeppy say, "Yes, thank you sir." 

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