018 | black dress

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hey bae wake up

[y/n] it's 6 am on a saturday
what do you want

lose the attitude baby 🤨
i'm taking us on a date
since YOU never wanna make the first move 😒

ykw i won't say anything
where are we going


[y/n] you can't drive...

you don't know that

you've stated multiple times you can't drive
in the gc

that's not even me fr that's literally the other [y/n]
the gay one yk gay ppl can't drive

you're literally bi...

she's infected your brain akaashi 😞

how are we getting to the mall


oh nice
i can finally meet her

alright listen don't be mad BUTTTTT
i kind of haven't told her about us lol

that's fine i don't mind
to be honest i don't think we know what we are yet


yeah i don't think i should tell your mom that for our first meeting lol

nah don't even worry
she's SUPER chill
my bestie fr 🤭
don't tell nozomi i said that
anyway just start getting ready lol we'll be there in 20

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  "Akaashi! Hey!" You beamed as he walked out to your mom's car, climbing into the back seat with you. He returned the smile.

  "Hey. You look really pretty." He said, and you felt a wave of heat rush to your face.

  "Shut up!" You gave him a playful shove as the two of you laughed. Your mom smiled at the two of you.

  "So, is this why you didn't want to sit up front, [Y/N]?" She asked. Your face got even hotter as you shied away from her gaze.

  "Momma, be quiet..." you mumbled, but Akashi only saw this as an opportunity to tease you more.

  "Your daughter is a very nice girl, ma'am. I really appreciate her friendship."

  "Oh, is that so?" The older woman laughed. "I would hope so, I hear her talking about you all the time. She thinks I don't know, but I do."

  No way this was happening to you right now. You pouted, leaning your head on Akaashi's shoulder and whining. "Stop it, both of you."

  "Yes ma'am." Akaashi rested his hand on top of yours, making you smile—only a little.

  "Fine, if that's what you want." Your mother added as you pulled into the malls' parking lot.

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  "Wouldn't  this look sooooo cute on me?" You asked, holding the short black dress up to your body. Akaashi nodded.

  "Kinda short, huh?" He asked, and you smirked.

  "Only for you." You giggled and slipped into the dressing room, knowing you left his face absolutely flushed. You slipped the dress on, reaching back to zip yourself up when you stopped as an idea came into your mind. "Akaashi, I need your help with my zipper." You called. For a few seconds, nothing, then his figure slowly emerged in the mirror behind you.

  "You're such a tease, you know that?" He whispered as his hand rested on your back, the other holding onto the zipper to slide it up.

  "Oh, but you love it, don't you?" You whispered back, leaning into his chest and smirking when his hands fell to your waist.

  "'Course I do." He groaned, pulling you closer to him. You could feel your ass pressing against him, and you only teased him more by wiggling it just a little bit. He gripped your hips tighter, but you pulled his hands off and shook your head.

  "Not here. Don't be mad, mkay?" You said, lightly pushing him backwards until he was outside again. "I'm buying this, just cause you seem to like it so much."

  "You...you're so—"

  "Sexy? Charming? Irresistible? I know, thanks." You blew him a kiss before disappearing behind the black curtains again, only to emerge a few minutes later. "Hold my hand?"

Akaashi was dumbfounded at how you could go back to acting all innocent after doing something like...that, but who was he to complain? He knew he'd do anything you asked him, so naturally he joined hands with you like he always would.

  "We should go get food after this. I'm starving."

  "You didn't eat breakfast this morning?"

  You looked at him like he just cursed you out. "Um...no? Who eats breakfast in the morning?"

  "...Normal people."

  You raised an eyebrow. "What are you trying to say? Am I nor normal?"

  Akaashi sighed as the two of you approached the register. "Please don't start this again, [Y/N]."

  You giggled into your hand as you paid for your dress. "Be quiet, you love me."

  Akaashi leaned down to give you a fast kiss on the lips, leaving you stunned and silent.

"You loved me first."

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