Let's Get This Over With

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Zoey's POV

I'd like to say that the rest of the night followed in the smooth pattern that I thought it would go in. But come on, you know me and Brian. We're like a train wreck waiting to happen.

LA Live was a fantastically popular bar right next to the Nokia Theatre and a lot of the performing acts decided to make their way there after the awards ceremony. It should have been a lot of fun. And it really was. I had more than my fair share of drinks and I danced up a storm with Gena, Leana and Lacey. I was friendly but stayed mostly out of Val and Michelle's way just to keep everything cool. Brian was on his eight beer at the club and was feeling good. He was touchy feely, initiating hugs and kisses that I just couldn't resist.  And for once, it didn't feel like an act. It wasn't like we were putting on a show for Michelle or anyone else. It felt...real. It was definitely the most relaxed he and I had been together in weeks.

But...you know there is always a big but when Brian and I are getting along and in this case, there wasn't any exception.  As soon as the DJ announced last call for the night, I made a beeline for the bathroom. Thankfully the bathroom was empty and I didn't have to wait and sprinted into one of the stalls. When I left the stall, I came face to face with Michelle, almost smacking right into her.

"Oh hey, Michelle, sorry about that," I said as nicely as I could as I brushed past her to get to the sink. I could feel her close on my heels, standing directly behind me as I washed my hands. I tried not to make eye contact, assuming she'd make her way into the stall but she just waited silently. When I finally turned around, her face was only inches away from me and she looked pretty pissed.

"Okay, Michelle, say what you want. Let's get this over with." I managed to say between clenched teeth.

"I wanted you to know I know there is something weird going on between you and Brian. This game that you are playing, I know it's fake. I know you made him marry you, somehow...someway.  Don't think I'm just going to let it go." she spat out, jabbing a finger into my chest.

Do not punch her, Zoey. I kept repeating to myself. I knew if it came down to it, I could knock her out but I refused to make a scene. But I wasn't going to let her mess with me either.

"Don't you fucking touch me." I retorted angrily and tried to push past her but her hand shot out and gripped my arm to hold me back.

"I know you've been in love with him all this time. And I know that you tricked him into this farce of a marriage, Zoey, but it's not going to work. He'll never stay with you. No matter how much you bat your eyelashes at him, he will never, ever want you for real. You got that?"

I laughed right in her face and jerked myself free of her grip. "Considering the fact that I'm the one married to him makes everything you said a complete joke. And you know, I would say you're acting like a jealous girlfriend, but you're not exactly his girlfriend anymore, are you?"

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously and she crossed her arms over her chest. "He'll come to his senses and drop you on your ass soon enough."

My eyebrows rose at that. "What makes you think that? Oh right, the fact that he practically chased me around in Vegas to get him to marry him. He was thinking so much about you that he ran to the altar with me...something that he always told you that he'd never do with you, if I remember correctly. I'm so sure that he's going to come running back any minute now. You're fucking deluded, Michelle.  Hell, from what I've seen, he can hardly look at you in public."

Michelle was fuming red. I will not hit her, I will not cause a scene, I repeated to myself as I turned and took the opportunity to leave, with Michelle close behind me.

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