Good Brother

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Zacky's POV

Later the next day, I tracked Zoey down to make sure she was okay. She was at our parent's house flipping the channels when I walked in. She looked surprised to see me.

"Hey what's up?" I asked dropping down beside her on the couch. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, traitor." She curtly replied not bothering to take her eyes off the tv.

"Oh ok, I believe you." I said sarcastically noticing how the corners of her mouth turned down.

"I've been looking for you everywhere. Hilary said you called in sick today."

"So fucking what?" she asked "I'm a big girl. I can miss work if I want to."

"Just ignore her. She's been pissy all afternoon." our mother called from the kitchen.

When Zoey turned to give a glare in my mother's direction, I asked quietly " Well you obviously aren't sick. So do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" Zoey asked, her eyes returning to the tv. "About how you took off with Brian last night? About how you didn't even come check on me? That what you want to talk about?"

"Don't be a bitch, Zoey," I chuckled "And yeah that's exactly what I wanted to talk about."

"There's nothing to talk about." She said, voice wavering but the channels kept clicking past.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure." Click, click.

"So you told him you love him?" I asked

Her eyes widened before narrowing "Did he tell you that I said that?"

I decided that honesty was the best approach "Yes he did."

She considered being mad that he'd given me details about their fight but decided against it. "I told him how I feel. He doesn't feel the same way."

"I don't believe that. I've seen you two the last couple of weeks. I mean before you and Michelle decided to beat each other's ass. So what else did you tell him?"

"Didn't he already tell you?" she continued to flip through the channels. Click, click.

"Yeah," I admitted "But I want to hear your side."

She opened her mouth to begin but decided on just saying. "It's a long story."

"I've got all night. You told him how you felt about him and he what? He just stared at you? He said he didn't feel the same way?"

"Zacky, I don't want to have this conversation with you. Zina or Gena, yes, you no."

"Well, have you talked to Gena?"

"She's busy planning the wedding. You know that."

"Wanna talk to mom?"

"Hell no I don't want to talk to mom," she hissed as her dark green eyes flashed anger.

"Then you're stuck with me. Or Matthew. Take your pick." I said giving her a wink.

"Ok" she said taking a deep breath and turning on the couch to face me "I chewed his ass for being the reason that Michelle jumped my ass."

I nodded "That sounds reasonable."

She shrugged but continued "And then I told him I loved him and he said he cared about me."

"And what was wrong with that?" I asked.

"Zacky!" she said punching me.

"Well, seriously, you two have been married for what, like two seconds, after not seeing each other for years?"

"Way to make me feel better, Zacky. Dr. Phil has nothing on you," she deadpanned

"Ok, so he freaked. Totally normal. Typical guy reaction. Why can't you just wait it out?"

"Wait it out? It's not like we're talking about a virus. I'm talking about love. He doesn't love me. He doesn't love Michelle either. I'm not even sure he's capable of it. "

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

She laughed but it wasn't a pleasant sound "Because he doesn't take anything seriously. Michelle and I shouldn't have even been fighting over him. "

"And you think that's Brian's fault?"

Her eyebrows crashed together "No, Zacky, I know I got myself into this mess. I just didn't expect to have to re-enact WWE with her."

"True. I'm actually impressed that you and Michelle were in the same place fighting each other and he managed to keep both of his testicles. I guess he's a lot cooler than I thought he was," I joked.

"Ha, ha," she sad flatly.

"Well think about it though do you blame her? You basically married her man right from under her."

"It was an accident!" she huffed.

"It was an accident that you married the man you've been crushing on your whole life?"

She managed to look embarrassed. "Well when you put it like that. It sounds bad but that didn't give her the right to show up when she knew it would just make trouble. Especially after all the crap that has been stirred up."

"I'll give you that one." I conceded. "So did you guys solve anything?"

"I told him to leave," she pouted and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"That really what you want?" I asked leaning my head against hers.

She took a minute or two to answer. "No."

We sat in silence again. "Well I'm no relationship expert." I announced breaking it.

"I'll say," she said poking me hard in the ribs.

I went on undeterred "I don't know what you expected to get out of this. I mean, I know you love him but a real relationship can't really survive well if it starts out as a lie. But that being said, I know he cares about you."

"I hate that expression," she spat.

I chuckled softly "I didn't mean it in the fake way. I mean, I know that you mean something to him. I can tell by the way he acts around you. The way he looks at you. He really does feel something; he just has to figure it out for himself."

"That'll be the day," she muttered

"Give him a break. He's a good guy. He's just misunderstood.

"Zacky, just stop talking," she said picking her head up off my shoulder.

I responded to her with a big grin and she got angry "'re supposed to be on MY side. You're my brother and my friend. I don't want to hear logical arguments in Brian's defense come out of your mouth. You're a terrible brother."

"A terrible brother?" I mused.

"Yes. You're no help. You're supposed to listen to me vent, agree with me and then bring me lots of chocolate...wait, what are you doing?" she asked as she watched me pull a pen from the side table .

"Wait, slower, I'm taking notes, good brother equals wimp who only tells Zoey what she wants to hear." I said while scribbling on my hand "Okay got it."

She slapped me in the back of the head.

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