Chapter 1

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The streets of the capital city were clothed in darkness, the moon high up in the sky. A few dark figures jumped from rooftop to rooftop. They stopped and looked down on the citizens coming home from along day's work, laughing and joking with one another. One of the figures licked his lips with his long, snake-like tongue. He unhinged his jaw and lunged at the civilians, who looked up and shouted in fear. Suddenly, the demon flew across the street, launched by a mighty kick.
Khan laughed. "Did you seriously think it would be that easy?" He looked up at the roof, where Aro was holding one by his ankles.
"Got one." He said with a smile. Lance zoomed past Khan and apprehended the one Khan had kicked, who was clearly out of it.
"You guys are coming to my wedding in the morning, right?" Lance asked.
Duros laughed with his stone face and patted him on the shoulder with his newly human hands. "Wouldn't miss it."
A bright glow came from the alleyway, out walking Elliot. "Of course we're coming." He said. Aro nodded.
Lance smiled. "I just can't wait." He said. Everyone shared a laugh.
Huey dropped down with another demon wrapped up in a spiral of water. "Guys, focus. Oh, Lance, you don't have a fancy teapot, do you?" Lance shook his head. Huey smiled and held a thumbs up. "Well, I wouldn't miss it for the world."
Kai jumped down from a rooftop and joined the group. "Still can't believe you thought I was gone."
"So you just didn't die?" Khan asked.
Kai sighed. "How many times must I explain it? I did die, that's why I told you to protect Emma while I was gone. I went to Gehenna, then turned in my card for having a thousand souls reaped, so I got another chance at life. But I still have to go back and forth between here and Limbo every once in a while. It's a reaper thing."
"Hold up, I never knew you killed a thousand people!" Aro shouted.
Kai nodded. "Not my proudest accomplishment, but I'm here now, and that's what matters I guess."
"I've gotta go get ready." Lance said, tossing the demon to Kai, who caught him and smiled.
"We can handle it from here." He said.
Andrew ran up behind them. "Did I miss it?" He asked. Everyone nodded. "Dang it!" Andrew shouted. Everyone shared a laugh.
The next day, Lance stood in front of the small white arch in a fancy outfit, all of his friends by his side. Emma stood on the other side in a fancy dress, along with other women Destiny had chosen.
"I'm so nervous." Lance whispered.
"Don't be." Huey whispered back. "You'll do great. You don't even have to do much." Lance nodded. He leaned back over as Huey did the same. Lance looked down the aisle to see Destiny in the most beautiful white dress he'd ever seen. He felt like he was melting. Destiny waved at him, Lance hardly able to wave back.
"Where is Dagger? That idiot is missing it!" Khan whispered.
"I'll bet I know where he is." Kai said with a chuckle. He and Khan glanced up to the castle.
"Probably." Khan whispered. Kai nodded. Destiny took her place in front of Lance and the two held hands.
The king cleared his throat. "We gather here today, for the joining to this pixie, and this dryad, previously human. If anyone objects to the marriage of these two, speak now or forever hold your peace." Kai lit his fists on fire. Khan let electricity jump around him. Duros writhed his threads as Huey conjured a ball of water. Elliot's eyes began glowing. Each of them looked around the audience with a look that said "speak and you die." Andrew and Aro nodded, looking at the audience as well from their post next to Lance. The king nodded. "Very well. Bring in the rings." Ripsaw trotted over to Lance and Destiny, raising a small cylindrical platform from his back, both rings sticking out.
"His cat made it, but he didn't?" Khan whispered.
Kai nodded. "Dagger hasn't been feeding him or anything. I've been taking care of him while I'm in the mortal realm."
Khan sighed. "We gotta go get him later." Kai nodded.
"I do." Lance said.
"You may now kiss the bride." The king said with a smile. Lance quickly complied while the audience cheered. Kai and Khan shot off explosions into the air.
Back at the tavern a few hours later, Khan stood in front of the bar while everyone else looked up at him.
"Ok, so. We need to address the plan for the future. Here is what I propose. Elliot has to do his god thing, so I want one of you to go with him."
Duros raised his hand. "I'll go!" He shouted.
Khan shook his head. "You're in no shape to go anywhere." Duros lowered his hand, unable to change his expression from a smile to a frown.
Huey raised his hand. "I guess I'll go. I've got nothing better to do."
Khan smiled. "That works. So, Elliot, where exactly will you be going?"
Elliot stood. "I'll be going around the country to each city where they worship one of the gods, then get a tattoo of each god's symbol to become more attached to them."
Khan nodded. "Huey, make sure that gets done. You can leave whenever you're ready, tomorrow obviously. The rest of us will train and keep the city safe, but Kai, I'm putting you in charge of going in and getting Dagger."
Kai shivered. "Why do I have to do it?" He asked.
"You're dead." Aro said.
Kai scowled at him. "That's got nothing to do with-" He disappeared.
"What just happened?" Destiny asked.
Lance smiled. "He's back in Limbo for a little while.

Kai floated around in the blue abyss of Limbo, his arms crossed as he grumbled gibberish.

Khan smiled. "I think that settles it. Everybody go to bed I guess." He walked over to Lance. "The walls are sound proof by the way."
Lance lowered his eyebrows. "Thanks." He said monotonously. He followed everyone upstairs. Khan stretched.
"Khan?" Emma asked.
Khan looked over to her. "Yeah?" He asked.
"About that thing you gave me." Khan nodded. "I haven't figured out how to use it yet."
Khan smiled. "That's alright. We'll figure it out in the morning." Emma nodded and went upstairs. Khan looked out the window. "We still have a little while." He said before going upstairs himself.
The next morning, everyone had breakfast cooked by Emma. After everyone had eaten, Kai popped into the room.
"I refuse!" He shouted.
Khan shrugged. "We all voted. You're doing it."
Kai growled. "I wasn't even here!"
Khan shrugged. "Too bad." He went and flipped the sign to Open. Duros picked Kai up and brought him outside.
"You're gonna do it, aren't you?" He asked. Duros nodded slowly. Kai sighed. "Fine." Duros hurled Kai as hard as he could toward the castle.

Dagger walked out of his room and propped himself on the door with a sigh. When he opened his eyes, he jumped back with a shout.
Kai was glaring at him. "You missed Lance and Destiny's wedding." He said.
Dagger sighed. "Is that all?" He asked.
Kai growled. "No! You also haven't been on any patrols!"
Dagger shrugged. "Look, I've got things to do, places to be, so would you just leave me alone?" He began walking away.
"Oh, by the way, Ripsaw is doing fine, no thanks to you."
Dagger looked back at him. "See? Nothing the matter." He said.
Kai growled and marched over to him. "You've neglected your duties to do what?" Kai asked angrily. Dagger smiled and opened his mouth. Kai held up his hand. "Nevermind. I don't want to know. Anyways, when are you going to get your act together?"
Dagger sighed. "When I become king."
"When you abaja-wha?" Kai's jaw dropped. "You're gonna become king?!"
Dagger looked at him like he was dumb. "That is what happens when you marry the princess, yes." He held up his ring with the king's seal on it.
Kai was frozen. "Are you even going to be a good king?" He asked.
Dagger shrugged. "I guess we'll see." He continued down the hall. Kai finally closed his mouth and walked the other way.

Khan was wiping off a cup when a large cloaked stranger barged into the tavern.
"I need your help." He said.

The Dragon's Bounty II:Rising ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now