Chapter 10

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Dagger pointed a sword out toward the M'Feles, the army of Tritanus behind him.
"What quarrel do you have with our fair country?!" Dagger shouted. The M'Feles simply let out a mighty roar and continued on. Dagger sheathed the sword he was holding and brought forth Tenebrius. All the men behind him took out their own swords. Dagger waved his hand across his face, closing the front of his helmet to guard his face. He began marching forward, the army following him from a decent distance.
Suddenly, Dagger was tackled to the ground by a red blur.
"Oh, hey Lance. We're gonna need your he-" Lance slapped him in the face, picked him up and threw him against the ground. "What's gotten into you?!" He shouted, punching Lance in the face. He then noticed the symbol on Lance's hand, his grin, and his rolled back eyes. "You're not Lance." He said, pointing his sword down at him.
"You're right." Mother said, pulling Lance's body to its feet.
"Why have you enslaved the minds of the M'Feles?!" Dagger shouted.
Mother's grin expanded. "You see, if you do not give me your country, I will make you fight, and it will be devastating. Make your choice." Dagger looked out at the blank expressions on the M'Feles's faces.
"So you found a way to fight the living did you?"
"Other than the marked ones, yes I found a way. I stole Probos' mind ability and altered it. Now I can fight the unmarked ones in my own special way." Dagger fired dark matter at Mother, but she simply flew upward with Lance's flight ability. "I guess it's time we fight for real, one on one, no distra-" she was nailed in the face by a fireball, followed closely by a flaming fist.
"Figured you'd need some help!" Kai shouted, landing next to Dagger.
"You got your stone." Dagger said. Kai grinned and nodded. He placed his fingers on the stone and lit it ablaze. Flames burst from his back, forming themselves into a pair of Phoenix wings, his eyes changing to a solid orange color with flames leaking from the sides.
He smiled. "You ready?" He asked. Dagger smiled and nodded. Duros marched up to them, but was unable to copy their position due to his lack of knee joints. Mother rose into the air with an angered expression on her face.
"How many times have I told you? If you play with fire, you'll get burned?!" She pointed her hand at Kai, who didn't have time to move. He grabbed his chest and fell to his knees, his throat beginning to glow. He opened his mouth and shouted out in pain as flames were spread into the air from his throat and eyes.
Dagger patted him on the shoulder. "Just rest a minute." He said, flipping his sword around in his hand. "How's your form doing?" He asked Duros, who rotated his shoulders.
"Arms are ready to go, legs, not so much."
Dagger nodded. "So no speed, got it."
Duros imitated popping his neck and began moving his threads around. "We got this." He said. Dagger nodded. Mother lunged at them with blazing red fists. Dagger held her back with a dark energy bubble while Duros jumped up and slammed into her back.
"Don't hurt him too bad!" Dagger shouted. Duros nodded, jumping off of her and landing beside Dagger once again. A lightning bolt came down from the sky and struck Mother before she could get up. She looked over to see Khan, Ferokanus clasped in his hand. He jumped over to the others.
"Duros, shouldn't you get out Zenothius?" He asked.
Duros shrugged. "Haven't needed him yet." Destiny jumped up and sliced at Mother, who dodged her. Ekpen jumped up and attempted to slash her while Destiny distracted her, but to no avail. Both of them joined the others in the line.
"Now, is that a—" A glowing blue arrow whizzed past her. "How many are you now?!" Kai finally got up and joined the others, Aro and Alexander close behind him. Andrew raced over and held up his fists, though he wasn't much help without his guitar. Emma stood behind them, still trying to draw her sword.
"Still missing two, actually." Dagger said.
"Well I'm sure they'll show up." Mother said with a frown.
"Now, is everybody ready?!" Khan shouted. Everyone raised their weapons with a "Hurrah!" Mother shot behind them and pointed her hand at Aro. "Aro, look out!" Khan shouted.
"For what?" He asked. Suddenly, a blue energy different from his regular color began emanating from his body. "That's not normal." He said. An explosion of blue energy knocked all of his friends to the ground, each with a dim blue glow to them. "What just happened?!" Aro shouted.
Mother smiled. "The opposite of your magic power, which apparently strengthens people, now you've weakened them!" She let out a hysterical laugh. Aro hooked his bow to his quiver and slammed his fist into his palm.
"Enhance!" He shouted. His entire body began glowing blue and he collapsed.
"Didn't catch the drift, did he?" Mother asked, looking over to the soldiers of Tritanus. "Guess a double army will do." She said, waving her hand over them. The soldiers all stood straight and held out their swords in front of them. She shot off toward the castle. She slammed through the front wall and crashed into the floor of the throne room. "Hello, Harold!" She shouted. The king arose and grabbed his sword.
"It's you! I remember you! You're the one who tried to steal my throne!"
Mother nodded. "Guilty as charged. Now, hand it over or both armies die."
The king got up and stared her down. "You can't hurt me." He said with narrowed eyebrows.
Mother smiled. "Like I said. Give me your throne or your army, and the M'Feles army will die off completely."
The king scowled. "Why should I believe you?" He asked. Mother raised her hand. A battle cry stretched across the land from the two armies. "Alright, alright. Don't kill them. I yield." Mother smiled and put her hand down, silencing the warriors.
"Excellent." She said, shoving him aside. She snatched the crown off of his head and fitted it onto Lance's. "Look at that. It fits, like it was made for me."
"It's enchanted." The king said as he pulled himself slowly to his feet.
"Enough out of you!" She shouted. She stretched her hand out toward him and he froze. "Much better." She placed one leg on top of the other and began to laugh. "Too easy. How did I lose before?" She let out a maniacal laugh.

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