Chapter 12

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         Kai dashed into the cave that led to the river Styx and zoomed down the long corridor until he came to the waterfall. He looked down to see if he could tell where he'd end up, but to no avail. He sighed and flew straight down, the crown still clutched in his grasp. He looked up to see only stone. No going back. He thought. He was finally thrust out of the vertical corridor and into a massive red stoned cave, filled with an orange light.
          "Oh no." He said, looking around. A dark castle sat in the center of the cave, above a massive glowing pit: Gehenna. Kai looked up to see just the roof of the vast cavern. "Not good." He said.

          "Where'd he get off to?" Khan asked.
          "Well, we got stuck in the void, so apparently Ethan went to rescue us, but we rescued ourselves and now he's stuck there." Aro said.
          Khan nodded. He leaned in closer. "And why did he take the crown?" He whispered. Aro removed his glove to show Khan the symbol in his palm.
          "We have to give it to the Demogorgon or he'll kill us." He whispered back.
          "Kai does know he's not guaranteed to enter the void, right? Read that in one of Dagger's books."
          "Well, he has about a 25% chance. There are only a few realms Styx leads to. At least that's what he told me."
          Khan nodded. "Hope he's alright." Aro nodded. Khan wheeled around and walked back to the group. "Alright, gang, nice job. I think that solved all of our problems." Everyone smiled and nodded. The king walked out of the castle and met the rest of them, Kathrine right behind him.
          "I guess it is time to inaugurate the new king and queen." Dagger walked up to Kathrine and grabbed her hand, staring into her eyes.
          "Huey, do you mind?" The king asked. Huey nodded and placed his finger on the king's neck. "People of Freyan!" The king's voice echoed around the capital city. Everyone stopped what they were doing and started moving toward the center of town. "I am sad to say that as of today, I will no longer be your king!" The people gasped. "Instead, my daughter, Princess Kathrine, has chosen the new king in marriage, Sir Dagger of The Dragon's Bounty. Today, we place him in charge, and give him my blessing as king." Dagger took a bow. Dagger knelt in front of the king. The king placed his hand on both of Dagger's shoulders one by one, careful to avoid the curved spike on each one. "Congratulations, son." Dagger stood and hugged the king. He turned and kissed Kathrine before holding his hand out, an ingot of the same material as the rest of his armor appearing in his hand. Using his dark magic, he formed it into a crown, sharp purple crystals like the ones on his shoulders as the spikes on the top. He placed it on his head. Khan fired a lightning bolt into the air, exploding it in the air in celebration. Lance did the same with his energy, shouts echoing around the city.
          "Got any hellfire left?" Aro asked, elbowing Alexander.
          Alexander frowned and shook his head. "Maybe I'll get some more from somewhere. Or find something else I can get constantly."
          Aro nodded. "That would be super cool."
          "Hope Kai and Ethan are alright." Alexander said. Aro nodded. Ripsaw jumped onto Dagger's shoulder and rubbed his face. Dagger smiled and wrapped his arms around the slime, holding him tightly against his chest.

          Kai was pushed across the bridge with chains on his wrists.
          "This is ridiculous." He said, as the lava golem behind him shoved him forward. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going." He was picked up and thrown into the throne room, where a dark figure was sitting on a throne made of skulls, a dark flaming crown atop his head.
          "Oh, hello there." The figure, a demon said. Kai looked up at him. One of the lava golems brought him the crown and Kai's necklace. "Where did you get these trinkets?" He asked with a smile.
          Kai used his tail to push himself to his feet. "Well, I'm actually on a heroic quest. That there stone is one of my weapons, that there crown is my cargo, and I'd really appreciate it if you let me go." He grinned.
The demon smiled and laughed. "Why would I let you go?!" He shouted.
          Kai sighed. "Cuz you need me to get something for you?" He asked.
          The figure leaned in. "Go on."
          Kai took a gulp. "Some of the Demogorgon's treasures?"
          The figure smiled from horn to horn. "That could be acceptable, but this crown seems to mean an awful lot to him if that's where you're headed. Maybe I'll just keep this one."
          Kai shook his head. "I can take a few smaller trinkets from him and deliver them here. All I need is my stuff returned and a creature from the void."
          The figure tapped his chin. "And if I say no?" Kai smiled and shrugged. "You know I control the River Styx in Gehenna, so only I can show you the way out."
          Kai nodded. "I am aware."
          "So what will you do if not agree to my terms?"
          Kai shrugged. "Guess you'll have to see."
          The demon stood fast and walked up to Kai. "Do you know who I am?!" He shouted.
          Kai shrugged. "Maybe a level four demon?"
          The figure roared in his face. "I am Beelzebub, second level demon, under no one but The Demon King!"
          Kai shrugged. "I'm Kai." He said.
          Beelzebub turned and looked at him. "You're who?" Kai looked up at him with flames in his eyes.
          "I'm Kai." The chains were shattered and melted off of his wrists, but the dragon skin cuffs he kept on at all times were perfectly fine. He grabbed Beelzebub's neck and lit his hand on fire.
          Beelzebub grinned. "You didn't think the lord of Gehenna would have his own flames?!" He spit fire all over Kai's body, but Kai didn't seem to mind.
          "Barely hotter than the Demogorgon's." Kai said with a shrug.
          "You compare me to that wretched beast?! He is but a level three demon, a sin! I could wipe the floor with him in my sleep."
          Kai shrugged. "He's bigger than you."
          Beelzebub laughed. "This is not my normal form." He shoved Kai off and began expanding. His laugh gradually got deeper. "You foolish mortal! I could squash you like an insect!"
          Kai shrugged. "Prove it." Beelzebub dropped his massive fist on Kai with hysterical laughter. But when he raised his fist, there was a figure made of fire standing there, rapidly regenerating to reform Kai, his clothes unfazed and suspended on the body of flame until his own returned again. Kai yawned and covered his mouth with his hand.
          "You dare mock the lord of Gehenna?!" Beelzebub shouted.
          "Well, not like you can come to my realm, so I have no quarrel with you. If you're a demon who doesn't kill people in my realm, I have no reason to kill you."
          Beelzebub leaned down to him. "What do you mean?"
          Kai smiled. "I'm a legendary demon slayer back in my realm. I take care of any demon threatening my realm, so since you can't leave, and all you do is manage the damned, what quarrel do I have with you?"
Beelzebub sat back in his throne, now back in his smaller form. "I don't like you. Take your stuff and leave." He tossed the necklace and the crown to Kai, who caught them with a smile and a bow.
          "Now, shall you show me out?"
          Beelzebub nodded. "Right this way." He rolled his eyes and led Kai down a corridor.
          "How did you know I am forever cursed to stay in this land?" He asked.
          Kai smiled. "I read a book of Gehenna. Even though you're one of the strongest demons, The Demon King elected you stay here and locked you in with a curse, yet your brothers run free in the shadow realm. I pity you, honestly." Kai responded.
          "What sort of demon slayer are you anyway?" Beelzebub asked.
          "I'm a member of The Dragon's Bounty, the official demon slayers of Tritanus. We recently vanquished Mother for good."
          "You took down that crazy woman?!" Beelzebub asked with a grin. "Oh,dear, now I've got to deal with her. Now only six sins remain. Though, I haven't heard from The Kraken in a while. I'm sure he's probably just regrowing a limb or something."
          Kai nodded. "Or perhaps my friends dealt with him on their travels, who knows?"
         Beelzebub shrugged. "I'm rather fond of Kraken. I'd kind of miss him if he was unable to freely visit."
         Kai shrugged. "If we killed him it was for good reason."
         "I understand that." Beelzebub said. "You kill invaders into your land. I do the same, like I tried to do to you."
         Kai nodded. "A reasonable demon. Never thought I'd see the day." Kai laughed.
         Beelzebub smiled. "It is true, I am one of the only demons who can be reasoned with. Here's your stop." Kai looked forward to see Styx running down a dark tunnel.
          "Thanks. I'll see myself out."
          Beelzebub smiled and nodded. "I did enjoy our little chat. Perhaps you can come back. Take this voidal wood sword to get to the void. It is still alive, so it should take you there."
          Kai smiled and nodded. "I might be back, but until next time." He waved. Beelzebub waved back. Kai summoned his wings and flew down the tunnel. Beelzebub sighed. He reached up to make sure his crown was steady, but felt only his bald head. He frantically looked around for it, but it was nowhere to be found.
          "KAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIII!" He shouted. "You'll pay for this! YOU'LL PAY!!!"

         Kai strolled away from the River Styx in the void, flipping the flaming crown like a large coin.
         "Too easy. This should handle our debt." He said with a smile. He flew down and placed the crowns on the ground, sat on a rock, and waited.
         "You have returned." He heard a familiar voice behind him. He turned around to see the Demogorgon staring down at him.
          He nodded. "I brought you the king's crown from Tritanus, and a filler for the other two:the crown of Beelzebub, lord of Gehenna. Does this cover our deal?"
          The Demogorgon picked up both and stared down at them. "This will do nicely. I thank you for your service." He began to walk away.
          "One more thing." Kai said. The Demogorgon turned around.
          "Yes?" He asked.
          "My friend Ethan ended up in here. Seen him?"
          The Demogorgon smiled. "I have indeed. He's back at my camp. Come along and we'll go there." Kai nodded and followed behind the large demon. He noticed the mountains around him changing to a thick forest, trees rapidly aging much faster than in the mortal realm. Once they got to a large pile of gold, the Demogorgon tossed both crowns onto the pile. "Hold out your hand." Kai did as he was asked. The Demogorgon placed his tentacle on Kai's hand, removing the symbol on it.
          "And my friends?" Kai asked.
          The Demogorgon nodded. "It will fade from their hands as well. Now, about Ethan." Ethan walked out from behind a large rock, completely decked out in shimmering golden armor. He froze when he saw Kai and the Demogorgon.
          "I was making sure it wasn't broken." He said with a nervous grin.
          The Demogorgon rolled his eyes. "Just don't take anything with you on your way out."
          "Why did you protect him?" Kai asked.
          The Demogorgon shrugged. "You made a good impression on me. I figured if he was your friend and you ever found out I killed him, it wouldn't end well for me."
          Kai smiled. "Well, you would have been correct." Ethan donned his regular armor and stood beside Kai. "Directions to Styx?" Kai asked. The Demogorgon pointed off in a random direction. Kai nodded and started walking. "So, how was life in the void?" Kai asked.
          Ethan shrugged. "Not awful. Dem's a good cook. He knows how to fix up the stuff that lives around here pretty well."
          Kai smiled and nodded. "Sorry we left you. Didn't know you'd come in after us."
          Ethan shrugged. "I did find Dagger a cool ring." He pulled the ring out of a chink in his armor and handed it to Kai, who looked it over. It was a silver ring with a purple gem.
          "Looks pretty cool. I think he'll like it. He likes rings. Once, he stole Khan's ring for 15 years straight." He laughed. "Ah, good times."
          Ethan smiled. "So how do we get home?" Kai pulled out the sword he had been given by Beelzebub. He swung it around a bit.
          "We just have to find the river Styx and go down it aways until we get to the waterfall, which should take us back home." Ethan nodded. "Anything strange happen?" Kai asked.
          Ethan shrugged. "Don't think so. I slept most of the time. Something about this place is just tiring."
          "You thought too hard about the physics, didn't you?" Kai asked with a chuckle.
          Ethan smiled and nodded. "I guess so." Once the two had reached the river Styx, Kai activated his wings and flew them down the river, down the waterfall, and back toward Freyan.

        Elliot looked at the new tattoo he had on the top of his foot.
         "Three to go." He said with a grin.

The Dragon's Bounty II:Rising ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now