1.05 | cheer championship style

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It was earlier in the day when Carson and Wyatt met up. For whatever reason, she wasn't in school and came to the clearing early. Since they didn't have phones, the only way Wyatt even found out she was there was because he caught her scent — he'd only just learned to track by scent a few weeks ago. Willa perfected it two months ago and kept laughing when he couldn't pick it up right away. But if he could track down anyone, it'd be his mate, who smelled like strawberries and mint.

As he reached their spot, Wyatt realized he'd never actually seen Carson in the sunlight. The first thing he noticed was that her hair was shinier in the light, but the second thing he noticed was that she was sad. He could almost feel her bad mood even if he could also see her red-rimmed eyes and saw how she was picking apart blades of grass, leaning her back against the base of the boulder.

"Hey, Princess," he greeted softly. It'd been so long that she didn't actually mind the nickname anymore — as long as Wyatt was the only one to ever call her that. If someone like that Bucky boy or an annoying first grader said it, she'd punch them. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in school."

Carson shrugged and kept looking down. "Can't want to spend time with you?" she asked quietly.

"You can always want to see me," he said, coming to sit next to her. "But you told me skipping school is bad."

"I'm not... skipping," she admitted. "Um, I got suspended for a few days."

"Suspended?" he asked, not familiar with the word. Carson had only just learned it herself.

"Can't go back to school until Monday," she explained. Then she sighed heavily and leaned her head against the rock. "I did something I wasn't supposed to. It - it wasn't as bad as it could've been, but a boy got hurt on accident, and my dad is so mad at me."

Weston never got mad at Carson.

But when she got mad at a third-grader picking on one of her fellow kindergartner friends, she accidentally lost control of her magic. His back was turned, and no one else was around to see as the power inside of her exploded and sent him crashing into a tree, knocking him out. He told everyone that she pushed him, thankfully, or her punishment would've been much worse.

Weston yelled for hours, and having her father be upset with her was far worse than any guilt for hurting the boy or punishment the school could throw at her. Julia tried to ease his anger, explaining that emotions played a key role in learning to control magic, especially within the first few years. But he made the point that with the bill allowing zombies to attend school so close to passing, they couldn't risk her getting in any kind of trouble.

Carson ran out of the house before the argument was finished. She would've at least heard Weston admit he wasn't actually angry with their daughter but frustrated over the timing of this all, as people were already angry at him for being a zombie-sympathizer. A daughter who beat up boys — even ones who deserved it — just wasn't going to look good. It wasn't about her being a witch and almost exposing her powers either. But by the time he turned away from Julia to apologize to Carson, she was long gone and they had to frantically search for her.

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