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Carson rushed to the gym, not wanting to be late for the debates that were about to start

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Carson rushed to the gym, not wanting to be late for the debates that were about to start. But she came to a screeching halt when she saw the banners hanging from the ceiling for each candidate.

While Bucky's were untampered with, Zed's posters depicted him as a fully zombied-out monster. Knowing that her brother was the one responsible, Carson got annoyed, especially as people kept looking warily at Zed, as if waiting for him to turn into that. With a huff, she raised a hand and shot magic at the banners.

All chatter in the gym ceased as they watched the posters glow brightly. When the red light faded, they saw the regular posters. Carson even made sure his photo looked like him and not the overly-human version either. This needed to be a fair fight on both sides.

"Thanks," Zed muttered, coming over to Carson. It was clear he was shaken by the signs.

"He shouldn't have done that," Carson said stiffly. Her good mood had already been ruined by Addison, so Bucky's behavior was just piling on top of it all. Then she sighed and put a hand on Zed's arm. "Just do your best."

"I'm surprised you're even rooting for me," he admitted with a sheepish smile. "But it feels good to know you're in my corner even if you lose your cheer captain spot if I win."

"I may lose the captain spot, but the progress you'll be making for all the non-humans is more than enough to cheer me up," Carson said softly.

Then Eliza ran up to join them, and she looked just as nervous as if she was the one participating in the debate. "You got your speech?" she asked Zed expectantly. Zed nodded and reached into his coat to grab it, only to also pull out the moonstone necklace. Carson bit her lip while Eliza raised an eyebrow. "Addison's necklace?"

"I took it," Zed admitted shamefully. "I can't let her become a werewolf. I have to protect her. All of this, running for president, it's all for her."

"No, Zed," she said sharply. "This is bigger than that, okay? This is for you, for me, for all zombies everywhere. This is more important than anything else."

"She's right," Carson told him. While talking, she pushed the hand holding the necklace back into his jacket, missing how the necklace began to glow before being hidden by his pocket. "The wolves are going to get the moonstone as we speak and they'll be safe. We'll deal with the necklace later."

"Just become president. That's what zombies need," Eliza agreed, pushing Zed closer to the stage so he could get ready.

"Break a leg," Carson told him.

"I hope you mean one of Bucky's," Eliza muttered under her breath, earning a playful shove from Carson.

Soon, Carson joined the rest of the cheerleaders on the sidelines. Bonzo, who was playing music for the crowd, turned it down as Principal Lee got on stage so that people could hear her. "Your first nominee for—"

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