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When Prawn came to an end, the party was moved to the wolf den

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When Prawn came to an end, the party was moved to the wolf den. Everyone helped transport the moonstone there as well, finally bringing it to its rightful home. Zed's father even brought them a stack of pizzas after Zed called and explained why he'd be coming home later than expected. Coach brought his fro-yo cart along as well, bringing it to the wolves that hadn't had a chance to try it yet.

Zoey tagged along as well and ended up finding plenty of werewolf friends her age. Now that they were healthy, there was already talk of enrolling the young ones in school since there was nothing to fear.

"I can't believe you told her werewolves weren't real," Carson said to Wyatt, scoffing. "Such a liar."

"We had to remain incognito," he said while scarfing down his fourth cup of fro-yo of the night.

"Incognito?" she asked, laughing at the notion. "What about this was incognito?" Then, Carson moved to stand behind Wyatt. She had to get on her toes to whisper in his ear while holding his hand from behind. "Close your eyes, Princess. Tell me how I make you feel," she said, lowering her voice to imitate him.

Wyatt let out a loud laugh before turning around and pulling Carson into his arms. "You were so into it," he said, not bothering to feel embarrassed. He ran his claws down her bare arm, careful not to cut her before holding her hand. "And I knew how I was making you feel."

"Hmm, I still feel like that," she admitted, leaning against his chest. "Unfortunately, you continue to be just as distracting as you were that day in the woods."

"Let me assure you that I can be more distracting," he told her in a low tone.

"Don't forget there are were-pups around, you two." It was Addison that broke the bubble surrounding the happy couple. Then she bit her lip awkwardly. "Wyatt, could, um, I talk with Carson?"

"Of course," Wyatt said, stepping to the side. "I've been told more than once I have a habit of hogging her — not that she minds."

When Wyatt left the two alone, a somewhat uncomfortable silence fell over them. Carson didn't really look at Addison, and Addison was fiddling with her fingers to have something to focus on. The den was growing quieter as more and more people went home for the night.

"Carson, I've kind of been horrible to you," Addison said after a moment. "I mean, you've been horrible too, but more so just your normal amount of horrible, which is to be expected—"

"Is this supposed to be an apology?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Addison took in a deep breath while trying to think of the right words. "No — I mean, yes. We haven't been treating each other like family," she said. "I said a lot of things I shouldn't have just because I was jealous of you. It's hard not to be most of the time. I'm sorry."

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