3.01 | seabrook school spirit

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A lot had changed in Seabrook since Carson came in as a Freshman

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A lot had changed in Seabrook since Carson came in as a Freshman. Zombies and werewolves were fully integrated into society, having jobs and positions on school teams. The wolves even moved into town, though the den was reserved for pack meetings — led by Carson and Willa of course. In the last year, she'd transitioned to a full time alpha, and Willa was made her beta.

Since becoming the Great Alpha, Carson took her responsibilities very seriously. She made sure that the werewolves wanted for nothing as they emerged into society. Despite her age, even the older wolves knew the girl had a good head on her shoulders, and often, they could see the resemblance between her and her deceased father. They spoke in the same confident tone and carried themselves the same way, giving no one reason to doubt that they were natural-born leaders.

The only small problem was that Carson's senior year was almost over, and the girl had to think about college. She may have left off the little tidbit about her being a witch on all her applications. It was the only way for scholarship offers to begin pouring in. Like many Seabrook graduates, she was planning on attending Mountain College.

The campus was only an hour and a half away from Seabrook, meaning she could return to the pack at any time if there was an issue. Many of the other wolves wanted to follow Carson to college as well, but there were far too many anti-monster laws still in place in other towns. But one zombie, in particular, was working toward breaking down those barriers.

A recruiter for the Mountain College football team would be at the final football game of the season, ready to watch Zed's performance. If he was as much of a star as they'd heard — and he was — then Zed would be the first monster to ever attend college. With that out of the way, hopefully, Mountain College would invite other monsters to apply, seeing that they were just as valuable to have as their human students.

Everyone at Seabrook was buzzing with excitement for the football game. Even at practice, the stands were full. Carson managed to keep an eye on the team while also leading cheerleading practice as well. When she went to get some bottles of water for the squad on the sidelines, she also went over to Zed.

"How's it going?" she asked the quarterback. "Do you feel like you're gonna win?"

"Oh, we're totally gonna win," he said, grinning and slinging an arm over her shoulder. "And then you guys are gonna clean up at the National Cheer Off. We're leaving this school with a bang."

"Winning is our specialty," she agreed.

"That it is," Coach said, running up to them. He'd been so happy this entire season. "Hey, Zed, Carson."

"Hey, Coach," Carson said, leaning against Zed.

"Yo," the zombie greeted.

"Thanks to you, I'm a brand-new man," Coach gushed. "No more going to the mall in pajama pants. And no more living in my mom's basement!"

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