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the avengers knew practically everything about the 4 of them but the other 2 were careful to never let their guard down espcially when it came to natasha's past, who her grandmother is, her relationship with fellow assassin clint, her real name. the only person who knows all this is clint and he is careful not reveal anything, about natasha without her consent himself he could reveal as much as he wished not that he ever did and the team would never find out about natasha's past, her grandmother and her relationship with clint, until the it came back to haunt her all of it from being taken in 1992 at the age of ten and having her memory wiped, seeing her parents get crushed being torn from her grandmothers grip to being made an assassin, marrying clint in secret... everything and that day would be soon, sooner than both would wish.

"hey" said natasha walking into the kitchen she was in a happy mood to happy and it scared everyone except clint "your happy and it is creepy" said steve, natasha just shrugged and went to the living room and heard the roof crash above her, she managed to dive out the way and got out unscathed but the thing that made her scream was the fact that her memories were getting extracted from her head from 1992 to 2001 and it would play through the tower and in the red room those places and those places only, the person had left by this point and clint comforted his wife "it is to late we can't put it back in my head can we?" clint shook his head 


"NATALIA ALIANOVA ROMOANOVA, GET DOWN FROM THAT TREE" screeched a woman holding what looked to be a 5 year old girls hand, a women came into view below the girl in the tree "now now Alina what is all this fuss" said an elderly women holding a cane "natalia is in a tree and won't get down" Alina said, the elderly women hung her cane on a near by tree branch "anastasia, don't" Alina begged her mother in law "bah i will be fine" said the women swatting her hand to get Alina to be quite, 


"babushka, your 91 how did you get up here?" asked natalia "the only reason your father grew up in a house was because my brother died in 1945 due to pneumonia and instead of his wife getting the money we did it wasn't a lot anyway but enough to ensure a roof and food and an education for your father, but i lived on the streets from the age of 17 if the bolsheviks didn't attack the palace chances are i would be dowager and your mother tsarina and you would grand duchess natalia alianovna of russia" natalia smiled "come on get down, are your things packed?" "yes" 


"natalia doesn't talk much" pointed out bruce, natasha nodded in agreement "and to think she is the granddaughter of the grand duchess anastasia nikolaevna of russia" said tony "i would love to marry her just to live in the palace" he added.  

"shut up and watch stark" said natasha 


natalia watched her grandmother carefully climb down the tree before jumping down herself and landing perfectly on her feet "thank you know lets go inside" natalia didn't move she waited for her babushka and walked in with her.


the Romanova family sat at the dinner table, when natalia felt something land in her hair she took it out and looked at the ceiling "Мамa дом разваливается над нашими головами" {Mama house is falling apart over right heads} said natalia, the family began to move only to watch Vladimir and Alina get crushed Alina could speak but barely "идите, наталья, алексей, анастасия, идите нам уже поздно" {go, natalia, alexei, anastasia, go, it's too late for us}  anastasia grabbed her middle grandchild hand as alexei already had Leana and took her out of the falling house, anastasia took something of her neck "natalia, take this that way if we ever get separated i know that it is you for you will have the key to my music box" natalia nodded, her grandmother grabbed her hand and pulled her out "get the one with the grand duchess" said a voice and natalia was pulled out of Anastasia's grip "babushka" screamed the girl "natalia" the duchess replied as she was pulled away from her granddaughter. never to see her again


the fifteen year old was beginning to look a lot like natasha and that frightened natasha

"hey natasha" said another girl "hey, ready for the trials" natasha nodded, at the trials she killed them all, she showed no remorse. "you are our new black widow, congratulations, time for you graduation ceremony" natasha froze and nodded she had a plan,

1997 the med bay

"well this shall hurt" said the 15 year old girl the doctor nodded and then natasha's feet wrapped around his neck snapping it, the girl got up and found a scalpel and threw it at the nearest nurse killing her instantly and there was the sound of blood chilling snapping noises all the necks had been snapped and natasha looked proud of herself.

1997 Madam B office 

natasha walked in the office "no" was all she said quite coldly "excuse me" said the headmistress "you will not take away the one thing from me that makes women different to there male counterparts and you can't say you didn't do that during your time in the red room your the biological mother to antonia dreykov" the headmistress paled "sit down" natasha nodded "this will make it look like you never had a child after they are born" said the headmistress injecting it into natashas neck.


natasha went to London England and ran into, her mission, she decided to go rouge for a while and instead she married him. agent clinton francis barton  


natasha managed to pause the memory while the avengers looked at her and clint "married" "how long" they were bombarded with questions they answered steve's as his was the most sensible, and they liked it "how old were you?" "18" they gaped at them "if it were the forties you would've had to wait until 21 at least" "so young and yet older enough to marry with need of a parents consent" said natasha "how old are you know" "30" "12 years and you never told us" "we only met 9 months ago, only fury and coulson know" said clint, and natasha played the memory when the avengers turned there heads back. 


"romanoff your going to budapest Hungary, to take out this man" said madam B slamming down clints file you have 12 hours i suggest you get moving.

natasha was running on a roof searching for someone who moments ago was in front of her now behind her, she felt a sharp stab in her shoulder "ah" she said as she ripped it out, it had a tranquillizer serum on the tip so it should work right about... now, natasha woke up in what looked to be a house "eat" clint said not shifting his gaze from the window "we will have to kill each other soon" said natasha as she got up and walked to window "snow" natasha smiled "i thought it snowed a lot in russia" said clint "it does you just don't..." natasha broke off seeing tears in his eyes, he was fiddling with the sword bracelet he got his sister Laura, Laura and clint were saving the world at 15 years old as the swordswomen and the archer, never showing there identities, that is why they got hired by shield 2 years later, Laura loved natasha from the moment she saw her with clint, laura defected from shield to move to budapest to care for their ailing mother, clint and laura were born and raised in budapest, but both moved to different countries after they turned 18 clint to London where he met and married natasha and laura to new York city, clint then moved to NYC where he saw his sister again, she was going to tell them to keep her sword as she was leaving shield but they gave it back and she saved budapest more than shield did, clint obviously came to budapest for a reason and they must've fought together and something happend...


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