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barbara was in a corner snogging someone it was natasha's husband and best friend clint. she ran out of the building as fast as she could. she got to her apartment and left a note on her and clints door depending on which apartment he went and then went to melinda mays and Phil coulson's house, Phil was married before he and his wife joined shield and both were told to keep it secret so when each other asked where the other had been it involved a lot of lies until a mission involved the pilots of shield and the agents of shield to combine.

natasha arrived at melinda and phil's house, and knocked on the door, melinda opened the door and was very surprised to see natasha but welcomed her in "kids natasha is here" said melinda she was in her mid to late 40s 2 boys ran down the stairs "natasha" they said "hey kiddo's" said natasha ruffling the boys hair natasha went to the kitchen and helped melinda cook "so not with clint?" asked melinda "he was kissing someone" said natasha bluntly "you sure he wasn't drunk out of his skull" asked melinda "oh he was, thats the problem i want to hate him but when he is drunk he does stupid things that he regrets the next day." said natasha, as the door opened "well then your going to have a reason to hate him" said phil walking through the door "what?" natasha voice was no more than a whisper "fury told me to listen to the audio of the CCTV cameras after you ran out the hall" "you saw that" said natasha "listen to the audio, "i am married" "you are?" "yes" "to who" "i can't remember" "will you divorce her for me?" "yes" that was when they kissed" said phil, "natasha you are welcome to stay here" natasha nodded "just until i can get something sought out" "oh and the divorcement of course" spat natasha.

later that night phil and his wife and kids were woken by a scream coming from the guest room and when they got there, there was a note "we are taking back what is rightfully ours, hydra" phil read "wake everyone in shield up" phil said turning to his wife who nodded. and left the room with the twin boys heading back to there room


clint had the mother of all headaches he groaned as he woke up and noticed the women in his bed was not his wife but barbara morse "clint" she said "you need to get back to your apartment" he spat at her "we had fun though in the hall remember you said you would divorce your wife for me" "i was badly intoxicated and my wife wasn't at the party and she entrusts romanoff with me obviously she was busy other wise this would never happend now get out" barbara and clint never spoke of this day to anyone, after barbara left clint got a call to come to fury's office after taking an aspirin he locked his apartment. barbara also got a call all of shield got a call to go to fury's office.


natasha woke up tied to a chair "welcome home natalia" said natashas brother Alexei "HYDRA and THE REDROOM are not home" spat natasha "oh it will be" said yelena belova aka Leana romanova "do it, now you will remember everything that has happend to you before and when and since you defected from HYDRA/REDROOM and you will think shield brainwashed you, your task is to kill them all" said yelena as her sister screamed in pain.

natasha smirked when the pain stopped "your going to budapest and you will destroy shield for all the evil they made you do. hail HYDRA" said yelena "hail hydra" said natasha and left for budapest.


"right to be blunt agent romanoff is missing, this note was left" said fury whilst everyone in shield gasped clint stood shock still "this is a recording that was left" 


"wake her up alexei she can't as scary as she was when we were kids," the man shook his head, the women groaned "christ" the women jumped through the window and the man followed "hey talia, wake up" said yelena, natashas eyes snapped open immediately, she kicked her sister in the face and sat up "Leana, alexei, do not make me kill you" natasha said threateningly "oh come on, you wouldn't kill your siblings and by the way my name is yelena, you what to do alexei" said yelena alexei held something over her nose and mouth, her screams were muffled to all of shield except the coulson family, the cloth held over her mouth had chloroform on it.


"the only person agent romanoff trusts with her knowing her whole past, is not me or agent coulson, but agent barton" everyone in shield turned to clint who had started to leave "agent barton, where are you going" "budapest" "that is where she will be" he finished and left the room but not before fury said this "then budapest is where we go agent barton will be in charge" the whole of shield dispersed to there respective helicarrier.


"how is agent romanoff more important than any other shield agent" said barbara to a very angry clint. clint stood up and walked away "jeez anyone would think he was married to agent romanoff" barbara said to phil.


the helicarrier landed silently in the budapest and they were met by an assassin the black widow natasha romanoff "you will regret all you made me do for you" said natasha ready to fight, she fought clint and they blocked each others moves and clint got the upper hand and hit her really hard on the head knocking her out "when we get on the helicarrier, get her in the medbay" said clint


clint sat by natasha never moving from his spot, natasha woke up an hour after clint had done cognitive recalibration "clint?" "tasha" said clint "i'm sorry"  said clint "what for?" "what happend the night of the party" clint said and natasha broke down in tears "i was pregnant" said natasha "what do you mean was" "before they hypnotized me they beat me and the child died"

"tash i will love you always" said clint hugging his wife and placing a kiss on the top of her head as she cried into his shoulder.

the whole of shield watched this unfold and they heard it through the CCTV cameras 

barbara still didn't like natasha but never flirted with clint again after this and felt kinda bad for them as well.     

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