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3rd POV

The land of Wano.

A kingdom located high up on top of a waterfall

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A kingdom located high up on top of a waterfall. A beautiful place of peace and prosperity. Well... it used to be. A few years ago a pirate crew called the Beast Pirates led by the one of the Emperor of The Sea, The King of Beast, Kaido landed on Wano and took it over.

From there on out, Wano became a waste land of dry lands, polluted waters. While the rich folk lived well fed and happily in the Flower Capital, the people who lived in the other parts of the country were left poor and hungry.

And you couldn't speak out about it either. If you step out of line they'll either kill you, or send you to the labor camps, where you'll be force to work until you die of exhaustion or one of the wardens kill you. Basically, you're going to die either way.

Focus on that last one, the labor camps in the part of the country called Udon. The excavation camp to be precise.

The sounds of metal hitting stone echoed through the camps as the prisoners chipped away at the stone walls surrounding the camp while others dragged the stones to the cargo ships.

And under the camp is where the prisons cells are. The places where the prisoners are locked up when they're not working. But not a lot people know of the floor underneath that. You wouldn't really call it a floor though, it's more like a tiny room. A tiny room for only one prisoner, monitored by at least two prisoners 24 hours.

Right now, the cell was being guarded by two guards, one a relatively new guard, and the other a guard who's been working at the camp for a long time.

"I don't get why I'm standing here. Guarding some cell with one prisoner." the younger guard grumbled to himself.

The older guard shot him a stern look, "It's because it's our JOB!" he snapped.

"What's in there that so important anyway?" the younger guard asked, gestering to the cell.

"You're a newbie so you probably wouldn't know." the old one murmured. Then he explained, "About two years ago, a man arrived on Onigashima, saying that he was there to strike down Kaido-sama. He started cutting down our men. I was there to witness it, it was like looking at a ravouness beast hunt for prey. The man kept on his path of destruction until he finally face Kaido-sama himself. After a grizzly fight, Kaido-sama managed to defeat him. He commanded that the man be locked away and left there until he starved."

The younger guard walked over to the front of the cell and peered into the darkness, "Then that means he would already be de-"

Suddenly, a hand shot out through the bars and grabbed the guard by the collar and pulled against the cell with a "Clang". The guard desperately struggled to get free, but whatever was in there had an iron grip. There was a "Rip!" and the guard was fell to the ground, the front of his shirt tore.

"What the hell?!" the guard yelled.

The old guard looked down at him, "And that's why we stand guard here." he scoffed.

"You said it was starved for 2 years! How is it still alive in there?!"

The old guard looked at the darkness in the cell, "That is something nobody has ever figured out. For over two years, we waited for that thing to die, but it never did. It's survived and it tries to attack anyone that gets into grabbing reach."

"Whatever it is, if it ever escapes

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"Whatever it is, if it ever escapes... I don't even want to imagine what would happen."

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